The 2014 Garden Thread

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Strawberry beds with the broccoli in the background.


Found the squash n zucchini are going strong with some good growth. Corn has tasseled with small ears starting.


nice setup! - How much corn do you usually get? i love home grown corn but sometime its a lot of effort for a dozen ears.

House we bought had two raised planter beds and we barely had time to do much more than maters, cucumbers and peppers but they are busting out pretty strong...wish I would have done some broccollie and lettuce... ahh for next year..

This is the first year for this type of corn. We lost 6 plants after transplanting due to a bad wind storm, so we're down to 6 plants that were grown in the beds themselves. One stalk has 3 ears started on it, the other has 2. I'm hoping to get at least 2 ears off of each stalk. We're waiting for the other stalks to get tasseled and start producing. It is the first grow season in the new house, so this year is a test year. We want to get a good feel for what seeds are hardy enough to utilize again next year.

Next year, the corn will likely be in the greenhouse that is now useable along with the soybeans, tomatoes and whatever else we decide to grow out there.

This is my wife, BIL and sister at the tail end of shuckin and cuttin the 1,200 ears we picked last week. We didn't grow this. A farmer friend lets us pick what his family doesn't need. What you don't see are the 6 kids and yours truly that helped do alot of the pickin and shuckin. That's usually the right amount for our two family's of 5 each for a year. We can get it done in a day, but it takes working from 8am to dern near midnight. Our garden has done awesome this year. The wife has put up 75-80 quarts of green beans and enough pickles to last us to 2020.


Need better planning next year.. This is only 2 tomater plants and one jalapeño plant..... Over growing the place.....


My daughter has discovered the joy of picking fresh carrots from the garden. If she's going to spoil her dinner on carrots, I'm cool with that.

Was mowing a section of the yard that hadn't been done in a while yesterday. What's that odd burning feeling on my leg? M***** F*****!!! It was a nest of yellow jackets in the ground. Ended up getting lit up from the knees down including a couple of the little bastards that got down in my shoes. Went out tonight once it was dark and they were all in for the night with about 1/2 gallon of gas and my propane torch. See how the little SOB's like that.

My boss' son did the same exact thing about a week ago. His legs and arms got peppered by the little bastards.

The moose jumped the 4' electric fence and took out the broccoli. Left everything else and departed the scene of the crime. If it wasn't for nearby neighbors, I'd likely fill the freezer when it returns!

Ble, some had bolted, but there were plenty of small heads nearly ready for picking.

Oh well. Always next year. Gonna harvest the second run of zucchini n yellow squash tonight; maybe salvage what carrots I can.
