Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
Thanks pdm! Keep up the hard work and you will get there. After taking the April 2010 exam, I received my results after the 4th of July that I would need to take the exam again. I took a few weeks off to get my mind off of the waiting and worrying. Then I hit up to see what others who were repeat takers were suggesting so I could change up my study habits. I also decided to enroll in an online review course from GA Tech. The content of this was great and it was also helpful in keeping me on a strict study routine. However, we weren't able to view the class modules right away nor did I receive the course material until near the end of Aug. About 2 full weeks after I registered to take the course. I wouldn't recommend watching the modules until you receive the course material. They are very supplemental to one another. So I pretty much began hitting it hard right after the Labor Day weekend. I had also read on that the Chelapati reference book was useful so I ordered a copy of that as well for extra problems and yet more review material. The binder for GA Tech has excellent practice problems and solutions. That was my main study reference and also probably my primary resource during the exam. It is big though, required a lot of table space.Congrats!! Quick far in advance did you start studying the second time around? I failed in October and will retake in April...just wondering from your experience if I have enough time. I also ordered the Chelpalti books and signed up for the GATech course and am waiting on login info and the manual. How long did it take you to get tde GATech info?