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I joined the Louisiana Engineering Society which is essentially like a local chapter of the National Society of Professional Engineers. By joining LES, you also sign up for membership in NSPE. I figured that this would be a good avenue.


The exam scores have arrived and we are importing them as you read this.

We will have them posted ASAP.

DO NOT CALL THE BOARD FOR YOUR GRADE. I know you are all waiting and

are getting impatient, but we're going as fast as we can.

Oh, and to those that are interested in the booring nuts and bolts of

how this grade thing works - some other states have received their

grades for any number of reasons, including: state size, (Texas is the

largest exam customer) and some other states do not distribute their

own grades - ELSES does it for them. Since ELSES distributes the

grades to the states also, they send out their own stuff first.

Anyway, keep an eye to the website. Good luck.


Finally!! I think they'll have them in a few hours!!! Going back to praying :prayers:

I noticed it said Texas is their largest customer. I wonder how many people took the exam there?

I'm curious because I may from ELSES's smallest. Only about 40-45 people.

Hey everyone -

I know you are irritated, impatient, and sweating out the wait. So

are we. We get all of your emails, calls, and other inquiries, and

understand the distress you are going through. Please understand that

we give the exam to over 2500 people per administration in Texas

alone, and all of you want to know. We're not doing this to anyone


We also know that some other states have their grades already. Texas

does not. We post them as soon as we can, WHEN we get them.

Sorry about another weekend without knowing, but I can assure you that

we will let you know ASAP. If nothing else, so you will stop asking

every 10 seconds ;-)


I thought I would try to get some work done today and stay off the internet...I now know that won't happen...

I feel the same, I am scared s**tless! I am having goose pimples just thinking about it

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