GROUND? They could not come up with the extra $15 for next day priority. :wtf:
The thing that upsets me and a few others is the many different stories we hear from people at the PE board.here you go...
Hey everyone -
I know you are irritated, impatient, and sweating out the wait. So
are we. We get all of your emails, calls, and other inquiries, and
understand the distress you are going through. Please understand that
we give the exam to over 2500 people per administration in Texas
alone, and all of you want to know. We're not doing this to anyone
We also know that some other states have their grades already. Texas
does not. We post them as soon as we can, WHEN we get them.
Sorry about another weekend without knowing, but I can assure you that
we will let you know ASAP. If nothing else, so you will stop asking
every 10 seconds ;-)