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That is awesome!!

3rd time taking the test. I've been playing don't stop believing all day!

Y'all remember when B-B-Bobby Boucher showed up at halftime and the Mud Dogs won the Bourbon Bowl, do ya?

I didn't see a single person at the Knoxville testing center who was taking it in EE, much less power.  Mostly CEs, at least all around me.  Which was kind of alarming in that the power industry is a big deal around this area with the influence from TVA, TVPPA and the local power providers in this area.  Glad to know I wasn't alone, cause I was thinking, "wtf, DOT must have a lot of dirt they need moved."
I took the EE (electronics) in knoxville. Thought I was the only one. PASSED!!

Has anyone received their written result yet?
No, Mrs. Phillips in Nashville said they were mailed Monday.  USPS must be dragging their blankey, and their feet, cause it's Christmas... My brother mailed a package from Jackson last Friday and I didn't receive it until yesterday.  Carrier pigeons or the pony express would be more expeditious.  Guaranteed!!

I actually received my physical stamp yesterday but no letter yet. I figured that would take forever so I ordered it right away. More symbolic than anything else, I won't be stamping DWGs at this point in my career. Alphabet soup next to your name opens doors at my employer.

Still no letter for me, but chattanooga mail is bad. How big was the envelope you guys got?

I can neither confirm or deny employment with a certain three letter acronym. I do work with telecommunications that directly support power.
I, too, work for a three-lettered power company, but not the one you do.  
