Super Special 5K

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Mine said 2 miles left; there was 3 gallons remaining in the tank when I filled it up. I coulda made it home!

They don't call it a lie-o-meter for nothing!
had four gallons left in the tank.
My lie-o-meter was telling the truth one time. It said my F250 had 5 miles left and me, wife and boat went 6 miles before she shuttered and left us on the side of the road. It also only held about 3 or 4 gallons less than tank size. I actually found out that the tank has baffles and keeps the fuel pump submerged in a few gallons of fuel that cannot get to intake. It is to keep pump cool.


Where am I!


What happened Monday? I've been so busy this week, haven't had a chance to catch up.

I'm glad it's Friday though. I'm going to be picking up a used basketball hoop this weekend to get some quick workouts in.
I'm just messing with you. Most of the changes happened over this past weekend. I noticed it on Monday, but it is what it is.

Soon as I get this plan set printed I am gonna bail. But I am guessing it will be in about two hours though.

Not all of us have time for the hand rub. Sometimes you gotta let technology get it done fast.
There is always time for a hand rub. You just need to work on your technique.

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