states visited

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That r0xx0rz!!1!

As for the US, it's mostly the southeast I haven't been to. Getting to ND will be a real pain I bet. I added the Yukon to my Canada list this summer, and am planning to add the rest of the maritime provinces next summer. Probably ain't gettin' to Nunavut anytime soon.



hmmmm... seems I prefer warm weather

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So far, this thread further solidifies my belief that there is no such state as North Dakota. I've met one person who claims to have been there, but I'm sure she's a liar.

My places, yo.


So far, this thread further solidifies my belief that there is no such state as North Dakota. I've met one person who claims to have been there, but I'm sure she's a liar.
A flying buddy of mine went through the UND aviation program. He's flying commuter jets these days.

Here's mine:


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Here's mine:

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^You need to get out more!

All I need is a strategically placed roadtrip around the southeast and I could pick up 5-6 more.

I would have been off to WA tomorrow if I had a little more fun money left in the tank this summer.

For the (many) ones of you that haven't visited Mississippi, let me suggest Biloxi. It's our best chance for you to have a positive attitude toward the state. If you're a camper, JP Coleman State park in NE MS. Please don't visit Jackson.

That is all.

For the (many) ones of you that haven't visited Mississippi, let me suggest Biloxi.
Y'all got paved roads over to Biloxi? :joke:

and great white north (east actually), courtesy of Detroit tunnel

It would appear I haven't give the south much thought in my travels...

I've also been to everything east of and including Ontario, eh

I think its interesting how many places many of us 20 and 30 somethings have been to. Compare that with our parents' generation. My Mom (lifelong New Yorker) had never been west of Buffalo, NY until a few months shy of her 60th birthday. And that was only because I was getting married in WY as opposed to a spontaneous vacation.

Once again, someone out there has forgotten the territories.... :angry:

I could also add Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
