SOTU 2013

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Kinda what I thought, but wasn't sure on the green ribbon...CDC, what do you expect, it's more smoke n mirrors, anything to avoid the real issues of the country and they know they can't actually do anything, so now they can blame others for nothing actually getting accomplished

& you know we must ban AR-15's because they were not used in the sandy hook shooting... ..

I wanted to take my kids shooting and I damn near cant even find any 38 or 9mm ammo anywhere.. this is so abstract...

We were lucky that we had plenty of ammo on hand for our guns, cause there isn't any to be had. The local stores don't even get the ammo on the shelves, people take it right off the trucks or the carts as the employees roll it out. Gas has gone up 70-80 cents a gallon in the past 3-4 weeks, from sub-$3 to $3.70, including the 30 cents Capt talked about above...some recovery!

I haven't heard what they're blaming the price of gas on this time around. My suspicion is that the consequences of printing so much money over the last decade or so.

I figured if I had ammo I could always "acquire" gas...

I was up in WV this past weekend and even the Wal Mart up there didnt have any .38

I just wanna go take my kids to the range and teach them some shooting skills that has nothing to do with the current pending gun issues..but Barry has everyone in this ammo hording mode.. its almost as stupid as he is.....

Correct on the hording, some are even buying to flip it for a profit. Ammo stores will even out.. give it 6 months or so. At some of the local HWS here, you can put your name on a caliber list and get it that way.

Learn to throw with an atlatl. Mad Skillz for post-SHTF.

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Im gonna start hording arrows so when the breakdown occurs I can at least have the market covered on crossbows

Last I checked, most stores do not sell ammo specific for my trebuchet, although I could probably improvise with random items from the clearance racks...

No ammo here either. I've went to all gander mnt, Dicks and local gun stores for miles around and the only thing they have are 7mm and .45. My wife had to borrow a friends 22 to take the CCW class this weekend because i am extremely low on 9mm. My brother inlaw has a contact with a local gun store and buys all the ammo they will let him buy so he can flip it on the internet for 100% profit. The funny thing is people are buying it. He buys it at a local store, marks it up 100% and sells it to locals. Panic causes people to do some strange things. I want and need some ammo, but im not paying twice what its worth. I got an email from MidwayUSA this weekend that claims they have not increased prices because of the rush. I havent checked, but I hope its true because cheaperthandirt sure has increased theirs.

I have been noticing a ton of people open carrying this past weekend in Georgia, seems everywhere I went I saw pistols, unusual for the "big city"

I picked up some 9mm and .223 at Walmart was priced very similar to previous months before the rush...I saw it on the shelves and just couldn't help myself. I had plenty of each in the gun safe, but while it was there and reasonable!
