Dear colleagues, I need your professional help as I have concern for the followings problems in six minutes solutions book for after noon geo exam:-
-problem 42 :- as the drain from one side (due to rock underneath ) so the drainage thickness should be H/2.
Problem 38 : Nq=9.70 , it should be 8.34.
-problem 62 :- effective stress should be fixed at 15 D not increase more beyond the depth .
Problem 68:- alpha value not correct it should be 0.50 .
Problem 70: why using actual rather than block one ?
Problem 71 :- why use full depth although the rock under Neath , it should use half of thickness .
Problem 81 : - N (gamma) = 9.70 , not as per the das and other reference book , it should be 8.40 .
- Problem 17 :- why use Rankin although there is friction angle value , also why neglect c term - (2cKa) ^.5 although there is value for C.
- PROBLEM 16 : why change from allowable to ultimate
- Problem 100 : it should mention that at midpoint of 6 ft layer.
- Problem 49 : the coefficient factors not matching with all values mentioned in reference books like Das book (Nq values depth, surcharge, 000 ETC)
- PROBLEM 83 :- NOT CORRECT , if you make summation for horizontal force will not equal zero (not equilibrium system ).
- Problem 81 : L at top should not include mobilized length for pressure.
- L at bottom level should not include the un mobilized length.
-problem 42 :- as the drain from one side (due to rock underneath ) so the drainage thickness should be H/2.
Problem 38 : Nq=9.70 , it should be 8.34.
-problem 62 :- effective stress should be fixed at 15 D not increase more beyond the depth .
Problem 68:- alpha value not correct it should be 0.50 .
Problem 70: why using actual rather than block one ?
Problem 71 :- why use full depth although the rock under Neath , it should use half of thickness .
Problem 81 : - N (gamma) = 9.70 , not as per the das and other reference book , it should be 8.40 .