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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Lets figure this out and split the money :D


This is for smaht people? Damn, I'm out.

Starting with "where warm waters halt"?  would this be where the snowmelt hits normal rivers (like the Missouri, Cache Le Poudre, etc?)

This one is easy.  It's buried below the handicap stall here at work.  Bold, brown, heavy loads, tarry... it was almost too easy.

Brown is capitalized. Not familiar with the lore and history of that part of the US, but guessing this is a proper name. 

And maybe you guys/gals have that part figured out?

So, he stated he hoped a redneck from Texas finds it. Could it be in west Tx? Parts of west Tx are not flat. Where is it confirmed to be in one of those states on the map? He also states it is more than 300 miles west of Peoria. There is a Peoria in Tx. And there is also Toledo in Tx, too.

Just some thoughts.

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but is there anywhere in texas over 5000 feet?

I think we have to start with the beginning. where do warm waters and cool waters meet? There really isn't any warm water anywhere in the Rocky Mountains (except that portion in New Mexico?)

Yellowstone - hot springs.  Also, there are hot springs all over the damn place in the Rockies. 
I didn't think about the hot springs!

So we need to map out where all the hot spring are in the Rockies?

I'm planning on actually finding it in two weeks when I'm there.  but I'm not going to tell anyone.
