@MAHMOOD ASLAM QUMMAR and everyone else who passed.
I am posting some information from one of our students in our HVAC class who took the exam a couple of weeks ago and passed. I thought the part about the format of the exam was very interesting. Our student lost some time on the second half of the exam because he didn't know how long it would take to get checked back into the afternoon portion of the exam, please see below. I also thought the information on drawing lines in the PDF was interesting.
"If you feel good about the NCEES practice exam and the 6-minute problems practice exam you should do fine on the test. Both of those were of similar difficulty and format as the official test. I actually think the Engineering Pro Guides final exam is harder than the official test I took. If you understand psychrometrics, vapor compression cycle, the lever rule, mass balance and the Bernoulli equation you will be in good shape. I think it's important not to second guess yourself on problems. My advice is to read the whole problem twice and really think about what it's asking before jumping into calculations.
The test format itself was pretty straight forward. You get a 24 inch computer monitor, on the left side is the NCEES reference manual and the exam is on the right side. The reference manual is searchable and has the same bookmark tabs as the one you download to study with. One thing I wish I knew is you can draw as many lines as you want on the reference manual but you can only delete 10 lines, which is really stupid I think. I ended up with 11 lines at one time and couldn't get rid of the last one so I had a random line on my psych chart for like half of the test which was annoying. The line drawing tool draws black lines that are only slightly more bold than the lines on the psycho chart so be careful that you are reading the correct line.
The testing center staff were very serious about security and hand hygiene. I had to use hand sanitizer like 10 times before I sat at my testing station. They will make you wear a mask the entire time your testing. You will have 37 problems in the morning session and 43 in the afternoon. I couldn't tell a difference in the difficulty between morning and afternoon problems. You have to complete and submit the 37 morning questions before taking lunch, you will not be able to go back to those problems after lunch.
You get to choose when to take your 50 minute lunch break. You will not get a break before or after lunch, if you need to use the bathroom the clock will continue ticking away while your gone. If you arrive back from lunch after 50 minutes have elapsed the clock will start without you. It took the exam staff like 10 minutes to check me and a few other testers back in after lunch and I lost like 4 minutes from my time which was annoying. I recommend bringing a sack lunch, I would hate to be stressed waiting for food. Give yourself plenty of time to be checked back into the test."