September 2020 Exam Results

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Once we pass both exams, is there an additional for we fill out? Or are we DONE?
No, so long as you submitted your packet and passed all the exams you should be ok. I called the board after I passed all my exams to make sure they had everything. Also asked how long to receive my license number and cert. I’m an impatient person lol

Guys I don't really know what to do anymore, just failed Surveying for the third time. It seems I am getting worse every time. I got deficient, deficient, proficient (error analysis so only small portion of the exam), and deficient. I do not understand. I thought the exam went relatively well and I only guessed on maybe 8-10 questions. Am I just falling for or not seeing the exams tricks and selecting the wrong answer? I know the exam puts every possible answer on there. I took CPESR first two times and last time I used EET and I thought I learned a lot. I am honestly just confused at the moment and at a loss for words. I feel pretty depressed knowing how long I spent studying for this, and how confident I felt solving problems. Maybe trigonometry/surveying/geometry is just not for me. 
How did you do on the EET/CPESR practice tests?

Also did you already pass seismic?

Passed Seismic!!!! 😂 This was the last missing piece, can't wait to add those two letters to my name!

To everyone still studying, I learned the material best by doing tons of practice problems and practice tests.  When I did surveying I found Mansour's books and practice tests to be helpful, but not his videos. For seismic I recommend the Hiner course and the AEI practice tests. And just come to terms with the fact that you will have no life while studying...

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Guys I don't really know what to do anymore, just failed Surveying for the third time. It seems I am getting worse every time. I got deficient, deficient, proficient (error analysis so only small portion of the exam), and deficient. I do not understand. I thought the exam went relatively well and I only guessed on maybe 8-10 questions. Am I just falling for or not seeing the exams tricks and selecting the wrong answer? I know the exam puts every possible answer on there. I took CPESR first two times and last time I used EET and I thought I learned a lot. I am honestly just confused at the moment and at a loss for words. I feel pretty depressed knowing how long I spent studying for this, and how confident I felt solving problems. Maybe trigonometry/surveying/geometry is just not for me. 
I think the best way to study for this exam is to use various resources. I only used CPESR the first time I took the exam and failed terribly. The second round went much better because I used more resources (in addition to CPESR).

  • I highly encourage you to obtain Reza Mahallati's workbook (no need to buy the course since you already completed two). Read the book cover to cover - you will find shortcut methods and formulas that you wouldn't have learned via CPESR. Complete all of the practice problems and exams twice.
  • In terms of practice exams, I found Mansour's surveying exams (2 total) helpful in addition to PE Prepared's Practice Exam - Version A. They helped train me to work with the 2.5-hr timeframe. 
  • For tricky problems (especially conceptual ones), use Elementary Surveying (14th Edition) by Ghilani, Charles D. If you have no idea where to find something from the above references, odds are you will find it in this book.
I think the best way to study for this exam is to use various resources. I only used CPESR the first time I took the exam and failed terribly. The second round went much better because I used more resources (in addition to CPESR).

  • I highly encourage you to obtain Reza Mahallati's workbook (no need to buy the course since you already completed two). Read the book cover to cover - you will find shortcut methods and formulas that you wouldn't have learned via CPESR. Complete all of the practice problems and exams twice.
  • In terms of practice exams, I found Mansour's surveying exams (2 total) helpful in addition to PE Prepared's Practice Exam - Version A. They helped train me to work with the 2.5-hr timeframe. 
  • For tricky problems (especially conceptual ones), use Elementary Surveying (14th Edition) by Ghilani, Charles D. If you have no idea where to find something from the above references, odds are you will find it in this book.
Thank you! I have had Reza's book but it was a little daunting but I did do some problems here and there, I will dig into the material harder this time.

Does anyone know when the next run of licensing approvals will happen? My employer is curious when the license will be official. Cheers.

DCA search shows some licenses were issued on Friday (October 9). @CAPLS, will there be additional licenses uploaded to DCA during this run of approvals or will the next be in two weeks?

DCA search shows some licenses were issued on Friday (October 9). @CAPLS, will there be additional licenses uploaded to DCA during this run of approvals or will the next be in two weeks?
The Board's general schedule for professional licenses is every two weeks.  However, over the last few months, it seems like the License Search maintained by DCA tends to lag behind about 3-5 days before those licenses appear in search.

@kmarrThanks for the update. FYI my license wasn't added on the DCA site with the others from the October 9th licensing run either. Hopefully next time.

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Ugh I passed both tests but I'm still not on there. Did you all get a congratulatory email or anything?

Ugh I passed both tests but I'm still not on there. Did you all get a congratulatory email or anything?
Same here, I'm not showing up on the search yet either.  I called BPELSG last week and they said give it 4 to 6 weeks, but the waiting is stressing me out.

Curious about email as well.  I wish there was a faster way to ensure you are indeed in the process of getting your license number issued.

Same here, I'm not showing up on the search yet either.  I called BPELSG last week and they said give it 4 to 6 weeks, but the waiting is stressing me out.

Curious about email as well.  I wish there was a faster way to ensure you are indeed in the process of getting your license number issued.
@Jbray241I did get a congrats email yesterday, but it was only after my license showed up on the DCA site last week.  It looks like they processed a lot of licenses last Friday so maybe they didn't get to them all. I assume the next batch will be on 11/6/20 since they process them every other Friday.

Also you can check when they update by searching for new licenses.  Currently the last one is 91980, so when 91981 is up then they processed more licenses.  I was obviously anxious to get the final confirmation as well haha. 

@Jbray241I did get a congrats email yesterday, but it was only after my license showed up on the DCA site last week.  It looks like they processed a lot of licenses last Friday so maybe they didn't get to them all. I assume the next batch will be on 11/6/20 since they process them every other Friday.

Also you can check when they update by searching for new licenses.  Currently the last one is 91980, so when 91981 is up then they processed more licenses.  I was obviously anxious to get the final confirmation as well haha. 
Thanks, that's helpful info.  I will keep checking weekly.

Now they're on 91989, only 9 more than they had 2 weeks ago. This makes me think they still have a full "batch" which might get processed soon. Hopefully it doesn't take til 11/20/20.

When will they post these licenses, it’s been exactly 5 weeks for me but still no license showing up, got my last survey exam results on oct 6, since then I have been checking the license online but nothing.... hope it will be showing up tomorrow (from expected oct 6, and additional 5 days ) 


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