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I think they both avoided the best VP picks becuase they don't like them.

I think Romney would have been McCain's best pick, but he doesn't like him.

I think Clinton would have been Obama's best pick, but I don't think he likes her.

One other thing that annoys me is the idea that if a library doesn't accept a certain book that is censorship. If I write "The World According to Benbo", and the govenrment prohibits me from publishing it, that is censorship. If the public library doesn't want to put it on the shelves that is not censorship. I am free to open an art gallery and put up a statue of somebody copulating with a moose. That doesn't mean they have to put it in the Capitol Building.

I would like ot see the exact facts, whether she initiated the thing, what actually happened and even what books we are talking about. I'd also like to see what the books under question are. If it was a book on evolution, that's fairly bizarre. If it was some sort of child pornography I don't think we'd be hearing many complaints. But once again, the only accusations I have seen are really from this lady and the guy she beat for mayor. As it looks here, they had a fight over taking the books out, and it got resolved against the way Palin wanted.

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If you don't like Palin's positions (for example you are more of a moderate and that's why you liked McCain) that's a good reason to reconsider McCain's judgement. Or if you think shes too inexperienced to be VP (she doesn't have any lot of national experience) that's another possible reason. Frankly, I'm not sure I know what all of Obama's accimplishements are, but everyone has to evaluate that. My personal opinion is that experience is overrated for a president. But I will point out that she is running for VP, and McCain isn't dead yet. I don't know what evidence anybody has that he is more "fragile" than anyone else, say Biden for example.
But to base your vote in any way on a campaign email (that's what this is now) by a life-long Democrat is a little ridiculous. And it is fairly obvious this lady is a low level Wasilla activist with a personal bone to pick about Palin. Since at one time I was registered in both parties I receive emails on both sides. I would always independently verify each and every fact if I was concerned about it.
I don't like Palin's positions, and I don't like her utter lack of experience - my jaw hit the floor the moment she was publically announced. My apprehension has absolutely nothing to do w/ an "ax to grind" local yocal up in polar bear country, or with any of the other media bites flying around, good or bad. I got tired of hearing that anyone w/ a harsh view of Palin must be somehow linked to her physical appearance.

My mention of McCain being "fragile" was a nod towards his bout w/ skin cancer (so far no recurrence) and his age. I think very highly of McCain, and would pray to see him make it to 102! I just wish he had picked somebody less shocking for the crucial VP position (crucial due to his age and cancer run-in). I know, its only 4 yrs, but being an engineer, i like all scenarios covered to my comfort level - Palin, even if she never sees a day outside of the vice-presidency, is outside of that comfort level. and i certainly am not saying Obama is in my comfort level. Just really disappointed w/ the GOP's pick for VP. my favorite pick would have been Huckabee, who gamely hung on in the primaries even when he was mathematically eliminated. some saw that as being stubborn & stupid, but it moved me, the message he orated on why he was doing that.

I too would read your book Benbo :thumbs:

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I don't like Palin's positions, and I don't like her utter lack of experience -
That's a reasonable position. Especially since you don't agree with her. I don't think anybody could legitimately argue that she has a huge amount of experience. But I just don't see McCain as all that fragile. A lot of people over 60 have some sort of chronic condition in their past. As I understand it, McCain's skin cancer has a relatively low risk of recurrence at this point - especially since he is monitored very closely. And he supposedly has excellent cardiovascular health. But he is 72 - obviously he is more likely to kick the bucket than Obama.

I, too, have a problem with the Palin pick. I am definitely not pro-Obama, but now I'm not so sure I'm pro-McCain anymore, purely because of the Palin pick.

I listened to an NPR story over the weekend, which discussed her religious credentials (Pentecostal), and they had this voice recording of her during an address to her church, asking them to pray for a gas pipeline to be built:

NPR: Pentecostals believe God routinely intervenes in human affairs and Palin sounded like a Pentecostal when she asked people at Wasilla Assembly of God to pray about building a gas pipeline through Alaska.
"I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.
I don't believe that people's religious values should be the primary deciding factor in an election. Obviously, it does matter to most people, though. I just don't trust anyone who falls back on the "It's God's will" justification for anything in government.

She strikes me as an overly-ambitious person who will say and do anything to get what she wants. Not that that makes her any different from Obama or any other politician. But I had expected better from McCain.

I, too, have a problem with the Palin pick. I am definitely not pro-Obama, but now I'm not so sure I'm pro-McCain anymore, purely because of the Palin pick.
I listened to an NPR story over the weekend, which discussed her religious credentials (Pentecostal), and they had this voice recording of her during an address to her church, asking them to pray for a gas pipeline to be built:

I don't believe that people's religious values should be the primary deciding factor in an election. Obviously, it does matter to most people, though. I just don't trust anyone who falls back on the "It's God's will" justification for anything in government.

She strikes me as an overly-ambitious person who will say and do anything to get what she wants. Not that that makes her any different from Obama or any other politician. But I had expected better from McCain.
The truth comes out on Obama: Obama Slips Up

Obama and the 2nd Amendment which protects the 1st Amendment: Don't Trust Obama

I am friends with friends of Sarah's ranging from the North Pole down to Houston/New Orleans. I would trust her with our future over that of an attorney that wants to take our rights away.

The truth comes out on Obama: Obama Slips Up
Oh brother.

I'll tell you what, I'll vote for the first candidate who comes out and orders his or her followers to stop the nasty, bitter, false attack crap on the other side. McCain came the closest to that in some of his speeches last week, and he should - it seems to me the nastiest, most slanderous propaganda seems to be coming from the far right that he has now co-opted with his VP pick.

You're not winning any converts with that stuff.

Oh brother.
I'll tell you what, I'll vote for the first candidate who comes out and orders his or her followers to stop the nasty, bitter, false attack crap on the other side. McCain came the closest to that in some of his speeches last week, and he should - it seems to me the nastiest, most slanderous propaganda seems to be coming from the far right that he has now co-opted with his VP pick.

You're not winning any converts with that stuff.
There was a big group supporting Obama since they gave up on the Republicans getting in this round until his gun rights issues and Reverend Wright issues came out. Most people have already decided on their issues already. If you know where you stand on your issues, and where the canidates are, then great. Sarah's stance and Obama's stance to their religions probably gives Sarah the edge in the South and Bible Belt.

Oh brother.
I'll tell you what, I'll vote for the first candidate who comes out and orders his or her followers to stop the nasty, bitter, false attack crap on the other side. McCain came the closest to that in some of his speeches last week, and he should - it seems to me the nastiest, most slanderous propaganda seems to be coming from the far right that he has now co-opted with his VP pick.

You're not winning any converts with that stuff.
Something is winning converts (at least for the time being) -

True enough, those WND guys are far right and regarded as nuts by many. But the Daily Kos people have said their own share of nasty stuff about Palin.

As far as the NRA article, well either it's true or not. I don't see that as particularly inflammatory.

glad to see McCain's gamble seems to be winning thus far - i'm a little bit over the "freakout" factor of Palin's selection now. i can live with history being made for that party. The far right scares me alot less than the far left anyways, and McCain's the one who'll be large & in charge, not Palin.

Looking forward to the debates!

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Ladies and Gentlemen;

As the self-declared Chairman of the EngineerBoards "knuckle-Draggers" sub-group, I would like to express my support for Governor of Alaska. (I think the Mods need to add that one under the "Dicipline" menu.) I think McCain made a good call picking her and she will do just fine as VP; and if called-on, she will make a fine President.

Freon - Male-Chauvist, Combat Veteran, NRA-Member, Texas White-Collar Redneck

But I still recall the words of Rooster Cogburn - "Lord help us if they ever get the vote."

Newsweek has refuted most of the rumors floating around the internet regarding Sarah Palin. Perhaps those who believe the rumors should consider the source of journalism. While I will be voting for McCain, I am sure I can find numerous rumors floating around the internet about Barach Obama. It doesn’t mean I believe them. Although, I would very much like for someone to explain the Tony Rezko and the Bill Ayers situation for me.
