RG - are you getting stalked??

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As I drove around Orlando this weekend, I thought about how appropriate that Tom lives in a town totally dedicated to "make believe"..........
:lmao: :lmao:
That is too funny. Good call :( :plusone:

On another note, you would think that Orlando would have peaked by now; however, there is a ton of construction going on down there.......
It never ceases to amaze me just how much more can be built. I think in Orlando, it may be more dramatic because of the 'tourist' expansion. Certainly the I-4 corridor is practically exploding with the exapansion of everything. I call it the I-4 parking lot because whenever I travel that stretch of road I get stuck. :true:

However, there is just as much construction going on up-and-down the east and west coasts. It is more easily seen on the east coast, at least for me, by the high-rises appearing in Miami and West Palm Beach. West coast of Florida is not as dramatic, but still plenty of growth. The panhandle (where I live) is still trying to find its' place - but then again, we have always been the sore thumb or the 'arm pit' of the south as I like to refer to it. :)

Hope you had a good time !!


No I havent seen the problem child, I was refering to you being in Orlando.

My youngest kid is visiting his uncle who lives in Jacksonville, so the pics they keep sending back of them on the beach makes me feel like I need some sort of vacation myslef. Although its nice to be down to just 2 kids..

It is sure easy to lookup people, such as TMcK, in the PE license registry....I really hate that, but it isn't like anyone couldn't find me on property record searches either...I had a bet the other day about finding the identity of someone, who is a hair stylist, with just their first name - got it with a first name saerch in a couple minutes - she didn't realize her Cosmetologist Operator's license was PUBLIC info and easily accessible...

A very dear friend is reaching out for help........

Mar 13 2007, 03:05 AMPost #21

I am adding stuff to a hidden area until at least one of the other boards cooperates a little or until after the April exam. I don't want the one board to copy my stuff and the other one is lame at best, but allows for an opportunity to advertise this board. Either one of the other boards that shows any effort will get me to release some of the stuff I am adding in the hidden areas.

This message is posted for those of you participating on the ppi2pass or the engineerboards forums. Please contact them and make them aware of the need to participate in a professional manner with regards to board etiquette. Have them contact me at tmckeon_PE@f'tard.com . (Mike, are you listening?)
I somehow don't think I'm the "Mike" he's referring to. Now you know how bored I am. I actually visited his site earlier today. It's still pretty much a joke and he still seems to be the only active poster........

Now who made engineeertrades turn into the little gay guy? That's just mean.......

I confess to going there to see if there is any activity. I find the sounds of the chirping crickets to be soothing. I haven't and have no intention of registering. He even blocks access to the guest posts. I think it's really funny that he wants "cooperation" and desparately seeks growth but blocks his entire site.

DV f'tard <---I like it.

I just take it as a small victory that I dont get 15 email messages from him any more.

I was surfing at lunch and went by our boy's site. He's finally opened it up so that guests may view everthing. If I get really bored later, I may actually see how many of the total posts are his.

Oh, and if I read the members infor correctly, the "Test Director" is his wife.......

I was surfing at lunch and went by our boy's site. He's finally opened it up so that guests may view everthing. If I get really bored later, I may actually see how many of the total posts are his.
Oh, and if I read the members infor correctly, the "Test Director" is his wife.......
Just taking a glance at the profiles it looks like TardBoy = 218 posts and Testes Director = 17 for a grand total = 235.

The board statistics indicate 380 posts --> ???


Just taking a glance at the profiles it looks like TardBoy = 218 posts and Testes Director = 17 for a grand total = 235.
The board statistics indicate 380 posts --> ???



145 <--- number of posts he's deleted as unworthy?

at least he has some new ideas...

I also dont think he has enough forums, he should add at least 30 more..
Did I miss something? Did the worlds greatest engineer shut down his forum? Seems to no longer exist. I was worried so I looked up the website for "Orlando's Finest and most Prestigious Civil Engineering and Land Development firm"....... doesn't seem to be many updates there either......


No worries, MiG. His company website is still up, and you can even request a meeting with him if you like...

We wish to say thank you to Seminole Community College for having Thomas McKeon as a guest speaker for their Construction Management class. The class is taught by Mark Woodlock who is a GC/attorney. As a thank you we are providing a link to his company.
Woodlock Law click here.
Not surprised he's jumping at a chance for Woodcock.

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I hear they're one of the top 3 community colleges...


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