Got it thanks!
Got it thanks!
Do not skip Goswami problems!! They are hard, but that’s the point. Be over prepared. I used Goswami, pre prepared, school of pe ( simulators and the custom option 5+ exams), donated exams from friends, online found, 6 min exam and 6 min solutions, then this one tooThanks great info! Working out has helped me a lot to relieve stress. I’ll definitely try the blue berries too and check out Reddit. I think over the next month I’m going to review references, spend more time on transportation, and work through some Goswami problems. I backed off of those problems because they were very in depth and some people said it was way harder than the real exam and to be careful spending too much time. One thing I like about Goswami is the problems are long and cover different scenarios. At this point I think most of the exams I’ve purchased such as PE Prepared and NCEES are way easier than the real exam so I’m going to try to find more difficult practice problems. Thanks again for the good vibes!!!
So yesterday I got my results. Failed again for 4th time. By my calculations looking at the diagnostic I got 64% so I was pretty damn close. I had perfect score in 5 categories. My worse categories were Trans, Means and Methods, and Scheduling. Last exam I had close to perfect scores in these categories except Trans. and scheduling is one of my areas of work that I am very good at but the questions on this exam for scheduling were out in left field and not real world. Hell I bet NCEES could make a grocery list difficult to understand. The way I come up with 64% is in each section a 15 is perfect. 15 x 15 sections is 225. My scores in each section total 144. If 70 is passing then 157/225 would do it. That puts me at 13 points short which I figure is around 3 questions. Pretty bummed I was so close and pissed that several questions I knew I just couldn’t find in the references in a timely manner. Guess I’ll have to memorize the chapters since you can’t search the entire pdf’s. Oh well this was my best attempt and funny thing is because this was a make up from previous attempt when the building lost power I didn’t have time to study at all for 3 weeks before this exam due to work. Guess I’ll give NCEES some more money today and thinking I’ll try again pretty soon since I was close. One thing that did get me in the afternoon section was brain fatigue. I ate a light lunch with crackers, hummus, meats, and cheese and just felt slow and tired first two hours of afternoon. I’m sure this played a part in failing as well. I can’t do coffee it makes me jittery but if anyone has any suggestions for afternoon energy please share. Thanks.
Thanks Rodr you’ve been great support! Started back studying this week and it’s pretty tough getting back up for more punishment but it gets easier after a few days.I'm so sorry to hear about your test! Please keep trying, I know you can do it!
It may be time to consider taking a week or two off to give yourself a brain break. It's kind of like when your team is down by 10 points and all of a sudden no one can make a layup and everyone is fumbling the ball. You have the ability to play the sport but the feelings of defeat are so strong and heavy they are affecting your ability to play. I took a break in the middle of studying for my last attempt and when I jumped back into studying I noticed that my recall was amazing! All of a sudden I was remembering things that I was struggling with before.
For the afternoon brain fog, I would take a walk or even do a quick 15 min workout during lunch. Or call a friend and chat about anything but the test, laugh a little. Do something that will get your blood flowing and and require minimal brain use. YOU GOT THIS
Pra4surf,Thanks Rodr you’ve been great support! Started back studying this week and it’s pretty tough getting back up for more punishment but it gets easier after a few days.![]()
Hey! Can I get into that discord (the link is expired)? I was recently approved to take the PE and looking for additional survey resources. Thanks
Gen thanks for connection to discord and positive feedback! It is great and very useful!Pra4surf,
I hope your taking advantage of the discord group. There is a Google drive where members put up a lot of resources and reading test takers experiences will provide you some guidance.
PE prepared exams similar to NCEES you should consider trying them.
You got this. Don't give up.
Gen! Can I get into that discord (the link is expired)? I was recently approved to take the PE and looking for additional survey resources. Thanks
Not a problemGen thanks for connection to discord and positive feedback! It is great and very useful!
That is awesome! The hard work paid off!Finally Cleared my PE Civil Construction. This group was very helpful, Thank you
Keep digging happens to the best of us. So here’s what I have found to be interesting. The next time you take it you’ll probably score near perfect in project planning. For me the categories are always a moving target on which two or three will be the most difficult with questions you’ll never see in the real world. What I have concluded is really try hard to figure out personally which areas are your weakest. For me structural is definitely up there. On the areas you are strong in be very concise on choosing the correct answer whether it be the correct units or even the correct answer such as an answer that is 345 and the exam may have a 354. I have caught this mistake a couple of times in practice. No matter what some people say there are some curve ball tricks just like any standardized exam. That being said you really do have to know the material and your references and you have to be exact in your answer choices and have damn near perfect skills for time management and no when to skip a question and come back. I am still trying to pass myself and have analyzed the hell out of this. Others have posted some really good advice on study prep on this forum as well and lots of good people on here willing to help with advice. If you take any classes really use the instructors. Don’t feel bad about emailing them questions when you’re tripped up. They are usually great and can tell you what you’re doing wrong. EET in my opinion is the best course. Good luck keep studying!Hello folks, sad to say that I failed my PE Geotech in second attempt. Already registered for third attempt. I would appreciate if anyone could give me feedback. From results I know that I need to study heavy in breadth part. I was scoring around 70 percent in all practice exams. I thought I got it under my belt this time. Was I close though?
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I PASSED GUYS! Thanks for all the support this has been a long journey!Starting this new thread for anyone who is interested in teaming up. After my second failed attempt I feel like I need a drastic change in strategy. My first attempt was 34/80. My recent second attempt was 44/80. First go around I took ITRE class and was convinced this was the way to go. I spent most of my time on my references and a couple of practice tests. That exam day was brutal and I knew I planned incorrectly. Second attempt I spent my entire focus on working problems and worked over 1200 +. That exam the recent Oct exam went way better in my mind and while I did improve I thought I did better than my diagnostics showed. So now it is a CBT and new approach all together. It would be great to team up with anyone interested and share ideas on strategies. One thing that comes to mind is how to better understand the diagnostics and those poor areas. I definitely have some weak areas I tried to work around and thought my strengths would make up for my weakness’s. Well that didn’t work. So for anyone interested let’s use every resource we have to get this done! That being said this forum is a great resource and perhaps something we can utilize better to our advantage. Who’s with me let’s get this done!!!
Congratulations!I PASSED GUYS! Thanks for all the support this has been a long journey!
This is amazing news! Congrats, I'm so happy for you!!I PASSED GUYS! Thanks for all the support this has been a long journey!
Thank you your support was awesome!This is amazing news! Congrats, I'm so happy for you!!
Are you still looking to team with someone?Starting this new thread for anyone who is interested in teaming up. After my second failed attempt I feel like I need a drastic change in strategy. My first attempt was 34/80. My recent second attempt was 44/80. First go around I took ITRE class and was convinced this was the way to go. I spent most of my time on my references and a couple of practice tests. That exam day was brutal and I knew I planned incorrectly. Second attempt I spent my entire focus on working problems and worked over 1200 +. That exam the recent Oct exam went way better in my mind and while I did improve I thought I did better than my diagnostics showed. So now it is a CBT and new approach all together. It would be great to team up with anyone interested and share ideas on strategies. One thing that comes to mind is how to better understand the diagnostics and those poor areas. I definitely have some weak areas I tried to work around and thought my strengths would make up for my weakness’s. Well that didn’t work. So for anyone interested let’s use every resource we have to get this done! That being said this forum is a great resource and perhaps something we can utilize better to our advantage. Who’s with me let’s get this done!!!