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I hope everyone had a nice, warm, cozy, lovely Christmas!

Mine was good in its own way! We had my family's traditional Christmas Day goose dinner on Christmas Eve and yesterday ended with actually pretty good Chinese food, a la the Jewish Christmas way. I've never done that before, but it was fun!

Bleh. I went to work yesterday. 

Such an odd week so far. Went in Monday, off Tuesday and Wednesday, went in yesterday, off today. I'm all out of wack.

So my parents came into town yesterday and I gave my dad his "Christmas gift" of me passing the exam.

So I thought I had him beat in age for getting licensed, but apparently when he was 23 he got licensed in California while stationed in Italy... That was an interesting story.

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are you both the same discipline?

My grandfather was an ME, he was a large influence on me growing up and his PE # had only 3 digits - But when he first got out of college ( just in time to get drafted for WW2) most states didn't have an exam, so his first couple states he just got based on his degree and later he had to take the exam for some work they were doing in Michigan.

I'm electrical, he's mechanical, but practices civil, structural, and environmental.


Mostly lol. We're getting a different power strip thats flat plug so the computer tower can be rotated and be against the wall. I still need to set up our little phone charging station.

And unbeknowest to him, I ordered myself a new bib/medal plaque and will hang it up - I need to find my medals tho. I only kept a couple and I like seeing my Boston medal, reminds me that once running was fun and possible. Ill never run another marathon but I'd like to be back into half marathon shape.

Im also gonna get different curtains - shorter ones and lighter color (he is aware and asked for shorter)


@LyceeFruit PE where did you get the desk from again?
Legs are ikea finnvard - i painted and sealed them (white was out of stock so I got the birch)

Top is a 25in wide piece of butcher block countertop that we cut down to 5ft long and then Boyfriend widened using the scrap so its 28in wide. I sealed it as well

Legs are ikea finnvard - i painted and sealed them (white was out of stock so I got the birch)

Top is a 25in wide piece of butcher block countertop that we cut down to 5ft long and then Boyfriend widened using the scrap so its 28in wide. I sealed it as well
ah! my husband was looking over my shoulder and saw the picture. he really likes it! it's the only desk that we've agreed on so far. lol 

@civilrobot haha nice! Boyfriend didnt have.much say in it except for dimensions, color was all me. I'd like to figure out a good drawer or tote situation for the left trestle...

We have a wireway installed underneath as well

The wife and I got back into Minecraft over the holidays after 4+ years of not playing. I forgot how addicting it is. I set up a server for us and now we just sit in bed in the evenings on our laptops building another life together.

Had to find something else to do now that The Office and Friends are leaving Netflix.

And now I just generated my certificate. FL doesn't mail out certificates, they just require you to create an account, link your license, and then generate a PDF certificate.

And now I just generated my certificate. FL doesn't mail out certificates, they just require you to create an account, link your license, and then generate a PDF certificate.
My email from VT said "your license is ready for printing" but shows the full license and the wallet size license on the same page in the PDF but the full license shown is like the size of a commercial check... They mailed my EIT cert so I'm hoping they mail me the PE too 

I need a copy of it for our PE wall at regional HQ. Im likely not going to display it in my cube - we have low walls so it'd have to lean and I can't stand clutter on my desk

My email from VT said "your license is ready for printing" but shows the full license and the wallet size license on the same page in the PDF but the full license shown is like the size of a commercial check... They mailed my EIT cert so I'm hoping they mail me the PE too 

I need a copy of it for our PE wall at regional HQ. Im likely not going to display it in my cube - we have low walls so it'd have to lean and I can't stand clutter on my desk
I've seen some licenses that size, like the size of a check. FL did mail my EIT certificate, but a year or two ago they stopped mailing everything. Probably just to save money.
