Question electrolytic capacitors electronic devices

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May 19, 2021
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I have electronic devices from 1990 (SNES, CRT TVs) and I know that these devices that have not been used for a long time cause faults and depolarization in the electrolytic capacitors, is it necessary to use these devices in the interval of 1x a month to preserve the electrolytic capacitors from failing due to disuse? are used electrolytic capacitors manufactured since 1990 and assembled in electronic circuit

the devices it is necessary to use them 1x a month to avoid damage to the electrolytic capacitors ?? what reccomendation?
if you think of avoiding damage dont think so much. For me i have one rule that anytime i want to use a device with electrolytic capacitors where the device had not been used for long i have to replace all the electrolytic capacitors.
You can read about electrolytic capacitors here Evolution of Capacitors - The Engineering Projects and yu will also get to know more about the capacitors.