The first problem you're given the total current that is going through the core, so you don't know how much of it is going through the core resistance and the core inductance but the voltage across both is the same and is equal to the input voltage Vtest. So naturally it's easier to use what is given to solve the problem, which is V2. Since you are given the power is watts (real power) is only the power through the resistor. Since it's an open circuit and no current is flowing through the Coil, the Coil R and Coil X can be ignored. At the end of the first problem, you can see that they used the current to solve for the total impedance of the core (taking into account both the resistance and reactance) using the I2 * Z formula.How do we know when to use either of those equations? For example, one problem below uses V^2/R in it's solution while the next problem uses I^2 x R.
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