I took the exam on Oct 30th. I have a couple of questions for you guys. Did you have to use that erase board thing or did they give you paper for calcs? They gave me a white board and it was terrible, had to erase all the time, could not save calcs to go back to questions and the stupid pen kept drying off every two minutes and not writing!
Oh and get this, I was left alone in the exam room, and I hear curse words and yelling and banging outside. I get scared and I am thinking someone went postal out there. What if they come in and attack me (curse and banging was really bad). I am a girl and I was scared. this went on for 5 or 10 min and I am alone terrified in the room. In comes the proctor and says... the guy outside has turrets syndrome and there is nothing we can do about it so here are earplugs. Great - what about the 10 min I spent terrified????? Needless to say I didn't do well and don't expect to pass (also am a new mom and didn't get more that 3 hours of sleep the night before!).
On to the questions... what did you guys think? I asked my boss who has 30+ years as a T.E. and PTOE some of the questions and he had no clue (without being able to reference), he is one of the smartest engineers I know. I also think some of the questions were not very clear and confusing. Especially when you only have 2 min. Other than that, seems like you have to memorize a lot of things that you would normally would check before using, such as how many seconds of flashing lights... Maybe it is just me but I think that someone who had no clue would not pass this even if open book, so why not let us reference materials we use every day?
just my 2 cents. I don't think I passed