Power Exam - Failure Scores

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Dec 12, 2019
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Anybody want to share their failure scores with me? I'm trying to figure out about how close I need to get to pass.

I failed, and made a 46/80.

I'm only 6 months out of college and into my career as a Power engineer at a G&T Utility company. I kind of want to take it again in April, but my gut feeling says to wait a year to get more experience. I won't be eligible to get my license until 2022 anyways. Any suggestions on if I should wait/how hard it will be for me to get my score up in a year's time?

Exam Failure Results.PNG

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I have many experiences in failing the power exam. 

I would personally make no decisions until January. Let the dust and emotions settle from this failure. Examine if you can balance everything again. Examine your workload in the coming months. Determine if you feel burnt out.

After the first time I failed, I immediately signed up for the test. I was driven by my emotion. And then never studied. Because I was so burnt out from work (I work for a consulting firm and was on a project meant for 3 engineers by myself). 

Also, edit your post and trim your picture. you've given out your full name 

This was my 4th attempt. I honestly don't think you could focus on the "weak" areas based on this diagnostic I mean as LyceeFruit stated in another post, one exam cycle you could do above average in one topic, and worse in another even though it's your "weak" area. I did fairly poorly this last time. I also attached April 2019 and October 2018. 

diagnostic 2019.JPG

diagnostic 2019_2.JPG

diagnostic 2018.JPG

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Hey friends, Ive made a thread in our sub-forum so its all in one place if you dont mind reposting.

Youll get insight from others who live in the sub-forum

Anybody want to share their failure scores with me? I'm trying to figure out about how close I need to get to pass.

I failed, and made a 46/80.

I'm only 6 months out of college and into my career as a Power engineer at a G&T Utility company. I kind of want to take it again in April, but my gut feeling says to wait a year to get more experience. I won't be eligible to get my license until 2022 anyways. Any suggestions on if I should wait/how hard it will be for me to get my score up in a year's time?

View attachment 15416
What did you use for the Transmission and Rotating machines portion? This was my lowest! 


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