Political Leaning of Engineers & Other Professions?

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Walking down my office hallway:

1) Building inspectors are mostly former military and Republican

2) Planning Department is all "green" and Democrat

3) Engineering is pretty much 50/50

I agree with the original poster 100%. I hate taxes, socialism in any form, gay people, gun control advocates, and think liberal arts degrees are useless. Lol. Conservative all the way!

And Obama is a faggot. I saw a story today that he wants to make the Marines wear girly hats with their uniforms. Ugh.

after working in an office in downtown Boulder for 90 days I can honestly say I think I am the only person here who doesnt think that Obama "isnt liberal enough"

I agree with the original poster 100%. I hate taxes, socialism in any form, gay people, gun control advocates, and think liberal arts degrees are useless. Lol. Conservative all the way!

And Obama is a faggot. I saw a story today that he wants to make the Marines wear girly hats with their uniforms. Ugh.


From what I've seen, Engineers tend towards moderate (Democrat), strongly politically conservative (Republican), or radical social conservative (Tea Party) - but none of them are *defined* by that - see Road Guy's ecomobile. Our nature is to (generally) seek out what we see as the most efficient way of doing things for ourselves, rather than following the genpop herd mentality in everything.

Personally, I consider myself socially* liberal, financially** moderate, and politically*** moderate to conservative. I'm not as liberal as some of my friends and family, I'm left-center on most of the forums I'm on, but I'm certainly more liberal than most posters here.

*Social policies - civil rights

**Financial policies - taxes, safety nets

***Political policies - limitations on government power

If you can't tell already, you're not going to get too many real answers posting a topic as controversial and flammable as this. I am as conservative as they come and so are most of those I work with, but I don't think you can lump all engineers, architects, linemen or waitresses into one category or political group. It all depends on where you live/work and those you choose to hang with. Most of us, hang with people of like passions/thoughts, so it skews your world view to think that most everyone is like you. Unfortunately, most of the world is not like me or we wouldn't have Obama as president, homosexuals openly serving in the military, or socialized medicine (to name a few).

PS. You might try taming your post a little bit in the future if you want real answers. Saying everybody you hate is not a good way to get started around here.

If you can't tell already, you're not going to get too many real answers posting a topic as controversial and flammable as this. I am as conservative as they come and so are most of those I work with, but I don't think you can lump all engineers, architects, linemen or waitresses into one category or political group. It all depends on where you live/work and those you choose to hang with. Most of us, hang with people of like passions/thoughts, so it skews your world view to think that most everyone is like you. Unfortunately, most of the world is not like me or we wouldn't have Obama as president, homosexuals openly serving in the military, or socialized medicine (to name a few).

PS. You might try taming your post a little bit in the future if you want real answers. Saying everybody you hate is not a good way to get started around here.
Ha ha, yeah, I like to be a bit contentious online. And I have a confession to make, I AM THE ORIGINAL POSTER! My other account "SpyTech", got banned for some reason, as have my other accounts on here, so I can't access them to post anymore. I like to troll the internet. I'm actually a pathetic loner guy with no friends, so I get online and talk shit and get on my right-wing rants offending anyone and everyone that I can. It makes me feel like a big man! So yeah, I'll say that I hate dykes, faggots, pedophiles, criminals, smelly homeless people, lazy people milking the welfare system, muslims, tree-huggers, socialists, gun control advocates, tax increases, and other liberal scum of the earth. I'm liberalphobic. I hope to get my PE next year to give me a career boost, so I can work on some top secret government weapons projects that will annihilate terrorists. Really badass killing machines with classified technologies. OH YEAH!


I dont remember spytech, but if you came off with heavy insults then you might have made the banned list....we dont ban that many people, you normally have to distinguish yourself to make that list..

I hate welfare queens also, but you dont have to be a lazy daddyleess kid born in the projects to be one, take for isntance Lockheed Martin Corporation..

Look into the F-22 Program, it was genius, they built it in 31 states, that way it would be almost impossible to cut without hurting a lot of congressional districts...

Im failry down the middle politically but the only democrat I have ever voted (in a national election) for was Zell Miller

Notice that all of these crazy mass-murders and terrorist acts (Naval Yard, Aurora CO Batman movie, Ft. Hood, VA Tech, Columbine, Boston Bombings, FRC incident in DC, 2010 Discovery Bldg Hostage Crisis, etc.) are done by...LIBERALS! If you want this country to be safer, get rid of the liberals. Or at least don't let liberals have access to any weapons. The world will be a better place.

Look into the F-22 Program, it was genius, they built it in 31 states, that way it would be almost impossible to cut without hurting a lot of congressional districts...
It actually has components built in all 48 contiguous states.
