Plane Crash in Austin

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I'm still here. I'm not suicidal, and my aircraft is a Cessna Cardinal that is still safe in a hangar in Northern Illinois.
What a waste of a perfectly good Piper Dakota.
You know... someone really needs to do something about these Assault Airplanes. Do they let just anyone get one of these?

As a nation we need to wake up and ban these things. Any plane equipped with fully-automatic flaps, noise suppressors (aka "silencers" aka "mufflers"), pistol grip controls, high-capacity fuel tanks, or landing hooks should be banned. Also there should be a 3-day waiting period for all pilots before they can fly, just to make sure they cool their jets before they fly off the handle and do something stupid.
Trust me, the FAA and TSA are trying...

My guess is that there will be a renewed push for civil aviation pilots to file flight plans or be shot down by F-16s. The obvious solution to somebody going nuts over too much government is to add more government.

Also typical is that solution would do absolutely nothing other than swamp flight services with flight plans for people doing pattern work. What would stop that ass hat from filing a flight plan leading in the general direction of his target and doing the exact same thing.

Also typical is that solution would do absolutely nothing other than swamp flight services with flight plans for people doing pattern work. What would stop that ass hat from filing a flight plan leading in the general direction of his target and doing the exact same thing.
Hey now. Common sense has no business in government policy.

TSA tried launching a GA security plan that effectively would have a pilot saying to himself, "Self, are you a terrorist? No? Let's fly!" It would have also had him doing the same for his passengers. No real solution...just TSA trying vainly to justify its existence.

See, now if he lived in South Carolina then he would have had to register as an anti-Government whack job and then this whole mess could have been avoided.

The IRS was one of the tenants in the federal building in Jax so we all had to keep bomb threat cards next to our phone just in case someone made a call to the wrong number.

My guess is that there will be a renewed push for civil aviation pilots to file flight plans or be shot down by F-16s. The obvious solution to somebody going nuts over too much government is to add more government.
bollocks! I say any building with government offices, better yet, all buildings shall hence forth be equipped with anti-aircraft guns.


nope just amend the building design codes to include the loading condition of the biggest plane, flying at its fastest speed, with a full load of fuel and passengers, impacting the structure at its weakest point. That should cover it.

and all existing structrues need to be retrofitted to meet the new design code.

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nope just amend the building design codes to include the loading condition of the biggest plane, flying at its fastest speed, with a full load of fuel and passengers, impacting the structure at its weakest point. That should cover it.
and all existing structrues need to be retrofitted to meet the new design code.
wouldn't it be easier to just change the code to put a phalanx on each roof?


nope just amend the building design codes to include the loading condition of the biggest plane, flying at its fastest speed, with a full load of fuel and passengers, impacting the structure at its weakest point. That should cover it.
and all existing structrues need to be retrofitted to meet the new design code.
wouldn't it be easier to just change the code to put a phalanx on each roof?

I guess it depends on whether the Phalanx is manufactured by Skynet.

^^I'm in favor of the phalanx.
After consideration, I've decided the phalanx would just cause more problems than it would solve. After they were installed, Cesna and other manufacturers would just upgrade their planes to survive multiple strikes from 20mm rounds, which would require 25mm installations, which would prompt Cesna to one-up that.... and so on. This would result in a small-plane / commercial arms race. No one would win.

^^I'm in favor of the phalanx.
After consideration, I've decided the phalanx would just cause more problems than it would solve. After they were installed, Cesna and other manufacturers would just upgrade their planes to survive multiple strikes from 20mm rounds, which would require 25mm installations, which would prompt Cesna to one-up that.... and so on. This would result in a small-plane / commercial arms race. No one would win.

But think of the economic stimulus for the defense and aerospace industries. Sounds like a win/win.
