People You Love to Hate

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To add to what Karen S said, it's ALOT more complicated. Karen described the physical aspect, but there's an emotional/mental and a self-image/confidence part. I think of it along the lines of having a breast augmentation. My wife had hers enhanced not because I told her to, or because there was some physical need. She did it because she did not like the way she looked in the mirror (with or without clothes). She honestly did not feel attractive, and it caused a certain level of depression (along the lines of "I don't like how I look, so I know you don't like how I look, so I will completely cover myself up so no one can see me ever again"). She got tired of dealing with it and talked with her doctor and had it done.
So in the case of my wife (to rephrase your question): yes, she had to have her boobs cut open and large sacks of silicone gel jammed inside to be happy.
Yeah, I had to deal with something so I didn't get into the emotional issues.

The closest analogy I've seen/used is to imagine having been born with hands and feet in the wrong locations - hands on the legs, feet on the arms. You've lived your entire life like this, and suddenly you realize that if you had them surgically corrected, you could be normal, or at least close to normal.

In addition to that - For me, the difference between being on hormones and not being on hormones is like night and day. At my last doctor's appt, the subject of taking me off hormones came up (because I'd developed an issue that could be related to them) - and I used the "cold dead hands" line, in all complete seriousness. I do not want to go back to the miserable me that I used to be.

Posting this so early in the morning, I guess only one person comes to my mind. My manager at BV in Houston.

He refused vacation and the fiance broke the marraige.(I am still coping with it).

He harassed me by over-amplifying my mistakes on the job which added to the depression of a called-off wedding.

He threatened me with my Visa and green card filing.

He drove me to the verge of fucking insanity.

Someday, I would seek revenge. The only reason I want to go back to BV is to someday hold his collar, lift him up and probably break his jaw.

And I guess that is why I have the display picture I have right now. Revenge is what I seek, so help me god. Please.

That's a tough road but sometimes the best revenge is just to find a way to be happy, move on, and find your own success at another company...

Sorry you had to go through all that!

Even I am sorry I had to go through all that. Even though it was almost a year ago, I haven't moved on to be honest. I know I have to.
