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Just a flying bus.
I don't ride buses either.
A pilot buddy of mine refers to it as being "herded like sheep into a little metal tube".

An older pilot I knew used to refer to airline pilots as "those coke sniffin' whipper snappers". (Those were the days before random drug testing at the airlines)

Until now, I didn't even know there was a book to go along with that phrase.
It was pretty funny. At least it was when I was twelve.

I'd give it a look to see what being a stewardess was like back in the 60s.

I like to give a big shoutout to the subhuman mouthbreathers at my local Stop & Shop deli department, whose IQs only rival their shoe sizes.

Since I usually buy my deli stuff when I'm shopping for the week, meaning I'll be there for a while, I use the automated kiosk to place my order, and pick it up when its done, rather than what at the counter for a while to place my order.

Every week, they screw something up. So I have to check my order when I pick it up. My complaints inevitably fall into one of these categories:

1. Me: Hi, I'm order #4. The PA said it was ready, but I don't see it.

Them: Oh, it's not ready yet.

Me: Then why did you play the announcement that it was?

Them: That's the computer, we have no control over it.

2. Me: I see you gave me peppercorn chicken instead of the orange glazed chicken.

Them: We don't carry that item so we substituted this instead.

Me: The computer listed it, even said it was on sale. If you don't carry it, shouldn't you delete it from the computer?

Them: You know, you're the third person today to have this problem. I really don't know what we should do about it.

3. Me: Hi, this I ordered the store brand American cheese that's on sale. This is something different.

Them: Oh, we're out of it so we gave you this instead.

Me: It's the wrong kind of cheese and costs $4 more per lb. Can you at least give it to me at the sale price, since you ran out.

Them: But it's a different chese that costs more than the one you ordered.

Me: Can I see your manager...

Them: But he doesn't have the cheese you want either. I told you we're out. :true: (This actually happened on Saturday)

or get a part-time job working the deli counter where you'll get the premium cold cuts that you're looking for, cut just the way you like them, at much reduced prices

Here’s a great one. There is a certain person that works in my office that I have mentioned before. Apparently there is some scam going on where people are telling landlords that they work for us when in fact they don’t. Apparently she thought this needed to be reported to the CFO. We are a large multi-billion dollar multi-national corporation. Why the CFO, why not the office manager?

The route to work is being 'street scaped' and is pretty torn up and has steel plates aplenty across the road. This morning I was behind a raised Dode Ram 4X4 with 33" SuperSwampers that slowed down to a crawl and pussyfooted over every bump and plate for two miles. What a tool. I'd have had that bizzitch in the air over every bump.

bump bump bump

Damn that's annoying. I thought this was fixed some time ago?
