My first child happens to be due 5/26. which is likely to be around the result release.
Hopefully my coming son will be doing great and the same for me.
Thats funny. I am expecting my first child on 5/24. We are having a daughter.The baby will probably take my mind off the results if they aren't posted by then, or at least I hope.
If I might fail, I would not feel too bad since my son will bring me the joy that will offset any frustration. This will be the luck he brings me for sure. The same thing for you.
Y'all are smart to have prepared and taken this exam before babies come. Best of luck to you both. Most who have kids will tell you it'll be harder to effectively study with a new baby around. I sure wish I'd have been wise enough to do it way back in 2003 when I was first eligible to sit and the year my first daughter was born.
April '14 was my first time taking the exam and even with a 10 year old and an 8 year old, it's hard to get the work in. Hundreds of hours of studying is hard on the little 'uns.