I'm actually quite floored. I just went and checked back through the last couple of years when results started arriving and I kind of loosely knew of the 40 days, but just assumed that was for the really lucky people... but holy cow, the latest date for the Oct 2013 test was 54 days after the first release date at day 40. Folks, when I took my last NCEES exam back in 2010, my FS (that's right fundamentals of surveying) results came in at day 67. The PE exam results came in a week or so later. I was in Virginia then, and that state was by no means the last to get results back then. 4 years prior to that, when I took the PE exam, my results came about 80 days later in Virginia. I don't even think the earliest results were release before 54 days. And California in those days were so freaking slow, they didn't get released till like 100 days or something. I guess I just didn't realize that the wait has been reduced by nearly half from what it was when I first dealt with this back 8 years ago. I'm actually pretty excited. Before now I didn't think there was any freaking chance I'd get results before June for my PS exam, but now I'm realistically thinking they might be here in about two weeks.