purduegrad --
I have a few suggestions '.02' FWIW:
1. Do not use your pass/fail on this test as a measure of your self-worth :hung: Way too many people try to equate 'worth' based on pass/fail, how many re-takes, what score, etc., etc. Leave that non-sense up to members of the OTHER FORUM :"the other board": :die:
2. You obviously took this test because you wanted to improve yourself in some way (professionally, $$, etc.). :thumbsup: The important thing is to keep your eye on the goal and not let your 'failure' set you back. This exam is just one step in a long line of steps that you will take in your life.
3. Look at your test diagnostic. As simplistic as it appears, it can provide some assistance in figuring out where you might want to re-focus study in certain areas :study For me, I realized that even though my education and work experience is environmentally related - water resources depth more closely fit the sorts of problems I could reasonably work. I didn't realize how bad Wastewater treatment problems were flubbing me up until I looked at the diagnostic. :ruh:
4. If you do need to re-take the exam -- DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT allow yourself to think, I just missed it by a little I only need to study a little more. Many of us have fallen into that trap - do yourself a favor and commit to the preparation.
I could probably go on, ad nausem, but I think those are some good pointers to start. Best of luck - for all of us. I am waiting too - hoping for that 1 extra point to pull me to a passing score :+1: