I also took the "school of PE" course, and agree that the PM Structural review was borderline terrible. But the rest of the notes, and classes/workshops were excellent.I took the Civil/Structural. Thought the AM portion was mostly pretty easy. The PM portion I would rate as 'medium'. I did do the 'School of PE' and can say that I feel it prepared me very well for the AM portion (School of PE left alot to be desired for the structural PM though).
I'm curious about what is typical with most everybody else's employers...My employer will not pay for my exam fee nor did they pay for any exam study materials. But they did pay me for my time on Friday (I didn't have to use a vacation day). What about your employer? Did they pay for your exam? Pay you for your time on Friday? Pay for study materials?
I also felt like both the AM and PM were relatively "easy" (I hate even typing that) compared with other exam administrations, and yes, a lot of code references showed up. I'm happy to say I brought all the code books, except AASHTO Bridge Spec...which I should have brought.
I got the day off with pay...and will get reimbursed for my review course upon passing the exam (oh please God, please please please let it be so this time).