I too just passed the tests for HI SE. Couple things to note before you get any more bent. Hawaii is one of only two states that require an SE to design more or less all buildings. You will be a licensed Professional Engineer in the Structural Discipline. Your license number will be something like No. ####-S which indicates you're a structural engineer. Even is CA you are a "Registered Professional Engineer" in Civil, Structural, etc. and note strictly a "Structural Engineer". Don't let the PE thing throw you. You need to familiarize yourself with the HI rules and statutes.
As far as other states if you passed the tests you passed the tests. If you meet their experience requirements then comity is no big deal. Note however CA, WA, and OR require the SE III exam ( CA also seismic and survey). CA and WA also require licensure as a civil prior to getting that license...I know CA will accept the SE exams in lieu of the PE exam...not sure about WA.
Good luck and Congrats.