Ongoing CBT Exam Spam Thread 2022

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How do you tell a coworker to nicely stop with the damn humming and whistling, this is an office and not a middle school cafeteria?

Also spam.
Storytime. I have a coworker in the office next to me who gets super duper anxious when the heat drops on deadline day. Like the sky is falling but for reals, and has to talk through the entire thought process on it with anxious inflection. We're talking non-stop, can hear it through the walls with my door closed and earbuds in. I finally couldn't take it one day, and went to the group manager and said it was routinely effecting my tasks. I was told I could openly discuss this distraction with the source in a professional manner, as nothing should ever prevent someone from performing their job efficiently. So I did, in a concise yet cordial manner. ...A little different version than your distraction, but I would tell them their whistling is triggering your rage and that they wouldn't like it if you got mad. jklols

No I would simply ask them "Excuse me, I'm really trying to focus on <Insert task here> and the songs you whistle tend to distract me. If you could please hum them in your head, I can stay productive and get <Insert task here> to our <Insert mutual manager here> in the timeframe they are expecting."
Storytime. I have a coworker in the office next to me who gets super duper anxious when the heat drops on deadline day. Like the sky is falling but for reals, and has to talk through the entire thought process on it with anxious inflection. We're talking non-stop, can hear it through the walls with my door closed and earbuds in. I finally couldn't take it one day, and went to the group manager and said it was routinely effecting my tasks. I was told I could openly discuss this distraction with the source in a professional manner, as nothing should ever prevent someone from performing their job efficiently. So I did, in a concise yet cordial manner. ...A little different version than your distraction, but I would tell them their whistling is triggering your rage and that they wouldn't like it if you got mad. jklols

No I would simply ask them "Excuse me, I'm really trying to focus on <Insert task here> and the songs you whistle tend to distract me. If you could please hum them in your head, I can stay productive and get <Insert task here> to our <Insert mutual manager here> in the timeframe they are expecting."
I have a PM who is like Jekyll/Hyde right around deadline time. Pain in my ass.
When my sister was 6 years old, she had a record of Snow White and played it in her bedroom over and over with the windows open. My dad was outside painting the house and later at the dinner table complained about how he had to paint all day while listening to this damn song lol.
I’d destroy that record when she was asleep if I were your dad hahahaha just kidding

When I was around 6 I had a cassette tape of The Bodyguard soundtrack so I could listen to I Will Always Love You and I listened to it every night at bedtime and fell asleep to it. One night the tape got eaten so bad it was ruined and I cried and cried and cried.

Also one time around that age my dad was on a ladder outside doing something at my (2nd story) bedroom window. And I had one of those balls that was like all suction cups and I threw it at the window from inside my room because I thought it’d be funny and it startled him so bad he got sooo mad and I felt really bad.
Also one time around that age my dad was on a ladder outside doing something at my (2nd story) bedroom window. And I had one of those balls that was like all suction cups and I threw it at the window from inside my room because I thought it’d be funny and it startled him so bad he got sooo mad and I felt really bad.
I would have had to go pick out a whoopin stick for that.
I’d destroy that record when she was asleep if I were your dad hahahaha just kidding

When I was around 6 I had a cassette tape of The Bodyguard soundtrack so I could listen to I Will Always Love You and I listened to it every night at bedtime and fell asleep to it. One night the tape got eaten so bad it was ruined and I cried and cried and cried.

Also one time around that age my dad was on a ladder outside doing something at my (2nd story) bedroom window. And I had one of those balls that was like all suction cups and I threw it at the window from inside my room because I thought it’d be funny and it startled him so bad he got sooo mad and I felt really bad.
This is so precious! I love it.
When I was 13, Hanson got really really big so I bought the album. It was the ~~first album I purchased~~ and I was super into it. (I will say that they wrote all their songs and played their own instruments, so they were pretty dang talented and that album is catchy af! I STAND BY WHAT I SAID).

Anyway, my mom was always super into whatever my brother and I loved, so she had no problem playing the album while driving us around. But my dad couldn't take it. One day as "MMMBop" played for the 2536th time, my dad was like, "I'm sorry guys, I can't do it anymore" and turned the album off. LOL
When I was 13, Hanson got really really big so I bought the album. It was the ~~first album I purchased~~ and I was super into it. (I will say that they wrote all their songs and played their own instruments, so they were pretty dang talented and that album is catchy af! I STAND BY WHAT I SAID).

Anyway, my mom was always super into whatever my brother and I loved, so she had no problem playing the album while driving us around. But my dad couldn't take it. One day as "MMMBop" played for the 2536th time, my dad was like, "I'm sorry guys, I can't do it anymore" and turned the album off. LOL
OMG I LOOOOOVED HANSON TOOOO!!!!! Luckily my dad actually likes the song MMMBop hahahaha. In fifth grade Hanson came to town to do a show in a huge mall parking lot. To enter all you had to do was bring some canned food. Since there wasn’t like assigned seating (or seating at all) my dad pulled me out of school at 10am and took me there so we could get a spot up close, hung out with me all day just sitting in a parking lot, and then he stood with me on his shoulders the ENTIRE CONCERT 😭😭😭😭😭 Best dad ever!

I had the HUGEST crush Taylor. Posters of him all over my walls. What about you? Which one did you like @txjennah PE ??
Oh yeah and in the middle of the afternoon they came and did a sound check, and all the girls ran up and then ran to the side of the stage as they were walking back to their bus and they were waving at us and then I was like “TAYLOR JUST LOOKED AT ME I SWEAR!!!!” I don’t know if he really did. I could have just been trying to sound cool.