Ongoing CBT Exam Spam Thread 2022

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"Yo, stop with the damn humming and whistling, this is an office and not a middle school cafeteria"
"Yo, stop with the damn humming and whistling, this is an office and not a middle school cafeteria"
How do you tell a coworker to nicely stop with the damn humming and whistling, this is an office and not a middle school cafeteria?

Also spam.
Just kindly say “I really need to focus on this task and I’m struggling real hard right now. You may not even realize you’re humming and whistling, but it’s extra distracting to me for some reason! *I think I didn’t get enough sleep last night* I’m so sorry to be a buzzkill, but could you try to keep it down?”

For the part in asterisk you don’t have to say it, but if you’re trying to be friendly and not hurt their feelings it softens things up a little.

But really I like @matt267 PE suggestion better
How do you tell a coworker to nicely stop with the damn humming and whistling, this is an office and not a middle school cafeteria?

Also spam.
OMFG that would drive me insane. That brings me back to summer internship where one of the drafters would whistle along to the radio ALL DAYYYYYYYYY.

This would work.