October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I'm so sore from lifting on Tuesday.

I survived my treadmill class last night tho. 

Planning to run at lunch today

I have some unidentified berry bushes with thorns in the backyard.  Marcie (the dog) has taken to eating them the last 2 days. 

Someone had liquid poo this morning.

Same someone won't listen when told NOT to go near the berries. 

Really hope Boyfriend takes the weedwhacker to them when he gets home (half covered in snow so we can't pull them)

I have to go find the bag balm lotion tonight - it came the most recommended from my friends to help heal my cracked hands. i've been washing them a lot because of the dog 

I just marked the Ohio application deadline and the April '20 exam date in my calendar.

I have to lift tonight too. Idk if i'll be able to pick myself up off the floor lol 
That's always good motivation not to skip days.

I think anytime I take an extended break, like over 3 weeks, I usually plan on exercising one day to bring on the soreness, then giving myself a week for the soreness to go away before resuming a schedule.

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That's always good motivation not to skip days.

I think anytime I take an extended break, like over 3 weeks, I usually plan on exercising one day to bring on the soreness, then giving myself a week for the soreness to go away before resuming a schedule.
i'm gonna see how i feel after my run. i might wait til tomorrow morning 

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