October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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math is hard
Engineers don't really "do" math. At best we do algebra. I typically only perform multiplication and addition and MAYBE division once in a blue moon.

I do have a mathematician friend (PhD in App. Math) and he's all, "aww, that's cute, you engineers think you do math."

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Engineers don't really "do" math. At best we do algebra. I typically only perform multiplication and addition and MAYBE division once in a blue moon.

I do have a mathematician friend (PhD in App. Math) and he's all, "aww, that's cute, you engineers think you do math."
basically. I haven't done any hard math since calculus 3.

Engineers don't really "do" math. At best we do algebra. I typically only perform multiplication and addition and MAYBE division once in a blue moon.
Nah bro, my controls and software expertise begs to differ

I do have a mathematician friend (PhD in App. Math) and he's all, "aww, that's cute, you engineers think you do math."
Usually when people say this, my response is, “it’s even cuter that you mathematicians think your degree is useful.”

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