October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Luckyyy! I super miss having actual seasons like in NY. But noooo, ever since we moved back to CA it's either freezing or it's a billion degrees.
I like seasons but driving in anything resembling snow or ice terrifies me. And also if Texas winters depressed me, then I know that Indiana ones will YAYYYYY BRING ON ALL THE DEPRESSING WEATHER UNIVERSE

Where in NY did you live?

In all seriousness, it doesn't have anything to do with the CBT transition.
My only contention is that, as we get closer to the full CBT transition, I think NCEES will give progressively fewer f^©#s about what anyone thinks of the pencil and paper exam.

For the examinee surveys of this exam cycle, you're probably right. 😁

I like seasons but driving in anything resembling snow or ice terrifies me. And also if Texas winters depressed me, then I know that Indiana ones will YAYYYYY BRING ON ALL THE DEPRESSING WEATHER UNIVERSE

Where in NY did you live?
Don't tell @JayKay PE, but I lived in Syracuse for almost 2 years.

Exactly, if I'm gonna be strip-searched it's gonna be because I paid for it. Oh wait...
Thats coming up for you in Q1 Q2 2020

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