October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Did she have to ask for permission?
Lol, i mean technically we're on a business trip so their comment makes sense. My coworker is my PM too and is pretty laidback, especially since we've done what we came here to do

Edit, omgosh top!

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*That's quite a bit of posting for only a handful of people.
oh, ah

eh more people will join the thread eventually.

Plus we'll end up having some "spam to [large round number]" races along the way.

The large post counts you see from the vets aren't from having long carefully constructed arguments

To give natural selection the finger! 😂

(For context, I have no kids and it's entirely possible that natural selection will, ultimately, be giving me the finger.) 
Yooooooo.  JK ain't having no kids anytime soon.  I'm living the high-life and drinking until 3:30am each weekend.

Well on our way to Jersey we were on the lower deck. This time we were on upper. Not a fan
You should try the Bay Bridge in Maryland. Or as I call it: "White Knuckle Bridge"

high crosswinds, narrow reversible lanes, high grade, high speeds, and only scrawny raised guardrail (with a view to the bay 500' below) between you and certain death*

Oh man.  I got that latte and I feel like my life is slightly better, even though I got more projects added to my load.

My supervisor is worried I'll be overloaded.  I cackle as I go underneath the trapdoor of my projects, ala Wicked Queen from Disney's classic "Snow White and the 7 Dwarves"
I told my PM I'm more productive when I feel slightly overloaded (since he needs to lean on me to get a few of our projects going since our younger team cant do it as quickly, efficiently, and correctly as I can)

Overtime pay!
If I wasn't going to the BMV/DMV today to see what I need to do to get a license/new plates, I def would have been like "hey hey, I'm staying late to get through training and start getting these project packages together, okay?"

Plus I want to make pumpkin snicker doodles tonight...

I told my PM I'm more productive when I feel slightly overloaded (since he needs to lean on me to get a few of our projects going since our younger team cant do it as quickly, efficiently, and correctly as I can)
I def feel more productive when I'm slightly overloaded, since consulting pretty much was always overloading me.  The main drawback from all this is that it's a completely new system/I have no idea what work goes into this, so I'm a little overwhelmed because things are getting added to my plate and I don't...really know how to do them?  So I'm slowly working through that and trying to get that done.

I forgot how much I loved Trello and I'm back to using it again.

@JayKay PE i tried using trello when i started studying for the PE this time but quickly fell off of that. I like lists and organization but it didnt work for me

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