October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Show of hands, who's done the comparison of who is who in their work unit vs "The Office" tv show?
No, that’s tough to do around my office. I’ve definitely done it at some of my customer sites, though; <s>i’ve had the pleasure</s> of basically working under a real life Dwight.

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FR? Fire Retardant? 

My company (at least my office) is kind of the opposite. We have everything we need (thankfully!), but then marketing asks us to wear/use more branded stuff... Which they'll gladly sell to us at full price.  :blink2:

They treat us well. It's the things they chose to pay for vs what they won't pay for that blows my mind. 

Isn't that always the case?
It was VERY pronounced with this company.

I bet it felt awesome and liberating when you left for a serious employer?
It was bittersweet. My direct supervisors were pretty cool, and I kind of left one of them out to dry before she left on maternity leave*, which sucked.

However, leaving upper management to lie in the bed they'd made was precisely as you described.

* - Yeah right, this company didn't give her maternity leave. She just took all the vacation, sick leave, and FMLA leave she could get her hands on.

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Someone in the cube quadrant next to me is clipping their nails at their desk...

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