October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I'd go ahead and do the substitution for the onions, with the knowledge that the onions would be slightly less sweet. But I wouldn't mind this. I use white and yellow onions fairly interchangeably in all of my cooking (caveat, I don't make curries of any cuisine very often).

I'd probably use the crushed tomatoes, to make my life easier. But could see the fresh possibly being better texture-wise, as you'd presumably end up with more substantial pieces of tomato. That is, unless you're cooking the fresh tomatoes for a long time to break them down.
I'm gonna go with canned because lazy and he's meh on tomatoes so I feel like canned would work better for him. And plus general consensus is canned lol 

Ohhh man, I want to make more Smitten Kitchen recipes.

But I have some cookbooks I already have that I need to focus on cooking from.

Also, need to possibly taste test some recipes for my birthday party in a few weeks.

@squaretaper PE, do you cook more in the wintertime because it's hot as balls in Sacramento most of the rest of the year?

We should do an EB cooking show on Food Network where regular-looking people waaay over-engineer and over-analyze the process, implode, give up, and go out for pub food and beer.
My go-to for imploding nights is this fried scallop burrito from a local "Mexican" place. (it's Mexican-inspired/adjacent) 

Also, @Supe might get mad at us for taking about this all here in the spam thread, and not in The Cooking Thread...

My go-to for imploding nights is this fried scallop burrito from a local "Mexican" place. (it's Mexican-inspired/adjacent) 
I am nooootttttt a fan of scallops but have never had them fried... I like basically all other seafood I've ever encountered!

Ohhh man, I want to make more Smitten Kitchen recipes.

But I have some cookbooks I already have that I need to focus on cooking from.

Also, need to possibly taste test some recipes for my birthday party in a few weeks.

@squaretaper PE, do you cook more in the wintertime because it's hot as balls in Sacramento most of the rest of the year?
So the curry came from me scrolling the saved posts I had on IG. And I saved her recipe for pot-pie. So i went to go get that recipe but the curry was the 2nd recipe on the homepage 

I am nooootttttt a fan of scallops but have never had them fried... I like basically all other seafood I've ever encountered!
What do you not like about scallops? And was it bay scallops or regular sea scallops? Because bay scallops are pointless

Also, how has no one brought up Thai curries??

EDIT: Topsies!!!  :bananalama:

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What do you not like about scallops? And was it bay scallops or regular sea scallops? Because bay scallops are pointless
I haven't had them in a long time, so I don't remember if it was bay or sea... But it was a textural thing.

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