October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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So my book is copyright 2005 and reads "CERN expects a 2007 completion of the Large Hadron Collider". 

I dont think we got to this chapter in my class, some of this isn't familiar. I mean, yeah its been 9 years but still. I have notes and stickies in other sections of the book.

Oh and I got one of the books you told that other guy to get in the Nuke thread. I dont remember off of the top of my head which one tho

GUT considers leptons and quarks to be specific states of a single particle called a "leptoquark" and it is this identity that leads to the same number of flavors fornleptons and quarks.

^I enjoy that they used the word "flavors" in this text book

So my book is copyright 2005 and reads "CERN expects a 2007 completion of the Large Hadron Collider". 

I dont think we got to this chapter in my class, some of this isn't familiar. I mean, yeah its been 9 years but still. I have notes and stickies in other sections of the book.

Oh and I got one of the books you told that other guy to get in the Nuke thread. I dont remember off of the top of my head which one tho
I'd be surprised if they covered the standard model in any real detail in Physics 3, or the equivalent. That's usually a upperclassman or graduate level Physics class.

I'm surprised you saw any of the books on that list in the other thread! Was it Lamarsh, intro to nuclear? What kind of EE did you study?

GUT considers leptons and quarks to be specific states of a single particle called a "leptoquark" and it is this identity that leads to the same number of flavors fornleptons and quarks.

^I enjoy that they used the word "flavors" in this text book
Ever watch Futurama? It's even funnier if you've studied at little QED.

I'd be surprised if they covered the standard model in any real detail in Physics 3, or the equivalent. That's usually a upperclassman or graduate level Physics class.

I'm surprised you saw any of the books on that list in the other thread! Was it Lamarsh, intro to nuclear? What kind of EE did you study?
I never took physics 3. I skipped it and took "advanced physics" for 2 semesters for funsies. I was planning on being a physics minor but at the 11th hour, it didnt happen since I dropped from the last course I needed for it. The 2nd semester, nuclear physics, it was me and the 4 physics majors LOL

It was Nuclear Chemical Engineering - Benedict & Pigford that I bought from your list

@RBHeadge PE my program general ECE, a lot of electronics and signals tho. Only one power course and it was the first semester of it so it was like a third story time with the prof.

I also tried to get a masters in nuclear engineering. But quickly learned i was in over my head so swapped to power engineering and then learned that I dont do well with online courses at all. 

I never took physics 3. I skipped it and took "advanced physics" for 2 semesters for funsies. I was planning on being a physics minor but at the 11th hour, it didnt happen since I dropped from the last course I needed for it. The 2nd semester, nuclear physics, it was me and the 4 physics majors LOL
Yeah, I had slightly similar path. So it sounds like your second semester class was modern physics: nuclear physics, intro to QM, SR, and GR?

Bought back in school, or recently?

Yeah, that's a really good text. Pretty much as much detail as you can get in a survey without running into controlled information.
Bought it a few weeks ago from the list you gave that guy. 

I rather enjoyed the one nuke class I took for my failed masters but I definitely didnt have a strong enough background in thermo for it (though I took thermo, did very well, and even tutored it)

Cool! Did you start NE, or were you in a dual degree program?
My undergrad is ECE from a private university. And I tried a masters from NC state since they have online programs then switched to EE and then quit lol

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