October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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Pretty sure my office doesn't offer the work from home option. We don't have laptops (well, the office has, like, one total). And I doubt it runs the CAD programs we'd need.

Now that I think about it, I think I have heard mention of a very slow VPN network, but I've never seen it in action.

and yes you def won't really work if you work from home but you'll have a great day and that's worth it 

Yeah, I think I'm going to try costco tonight to see if they have it (mostly because I know they have almonds/slivered almonds, which is half my list).  If I don't see hazelnuts, I might need to check out a WF *shudders* but I know they'll probably also have almond paste.  Extremely expensive, but I know they'll prob have it.

They're the closest thing I can find... And they're damned expensive.

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That sounds about right.  You need to get a NY-friend.  I still send my family down in Arkansas "car packages" of bagels every couple of months or when I travel down.  I feel like I've inflected hell on people by having delicious, baked/boiled that day, bagels inside an airplane.  And I wasn't sharing.

It's 3:09 here
Oh god, this means my time is lagging and dragging even slower than usual.  I'll prob have the time snap back while I'm grocery shopping, a strange time-hole where you think you've only been there for 15-minutes...then you go outside and it's 2-hours later.

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