October 2018 15k SPAM Thread

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Its a theory about the cut score. NCEES determines the cut score by how many times they fail to catch knickers the giant cow in Australia. It happens twice a year and he has clones.

Ska-badabadabadoo-belidabbelydabbladabbladabblabab- belibabbelibabbelibabbelabbelo-doobelidoo

I'm a spamman

Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
(I'm the spamman)
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Yo da dub dub

Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope
Bop ba bodda bope
Be bop ba bodda bope
Bop ba bodda 
Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop ba bodda bope
Bop ba bodda bope
Be bop ba bodda bope
Bop ba bodda bope
Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub
Everybody stutters one way or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact, I don't let nothin' hold you back
If the Spamman can do it, so can you
Everybody's sayin' that the spamman stutters
But doesn't ever stutter when he sings
But what you don't know I'm gonna tell you right now
That the stutter and the spam is the same thing to you
I'm the Spamman
Where's the Spamman? 
I'm the Spamman
Why should we be pleas-in' in the politician heathens
Who would try to change the seasons if they could?
The state of the condition insults my intuitions
And it only makes me crazy and a heart like wood
Everybody stutters one way or the other
So check out my message to you
As a matter of fact, don't let nothin' hold you back
If the Spamman can do it, brother, so can you
I'm the Spammam
^^ whew you are a superhero. i'm so glad i'm single and alone
Lol I'm not sure about that, but my kids say I'm the best mom in the world so I guess I'm doing something right. Also, I forgot to mention pick up the dry cleaning.

Lest it sound like I do everything, my husband has already cleaned the kitchen today and is currently outside mowing/picking up leaves as it gets dark.

Ahhhhhh!!!!!  Someone I know got her photo on a magazine!!!!


UGH.  My computer just randomly crashed and the word doc I was using as scratch for language just crapped out and lost all my careful regulatory wording!  SHUbfgsegvuwsd
SNSO = Save Now Save Often

Check the word recovery archive to see if a back-up was created. Also get a better computer. :thumbs:

SNSO = Save Now Save Often

Check the word recovery archive to see if a back-up was created. Also get a better computer. :thumbs:
Ugh,. I think it's just the whole Windows 10 thing.  Checked word recovery and the only recovery was from 11am this morning.  I literally only just got the wording, was about to copy+paste the redline text, and my laptop just shut off.  UGGUYEBVJKSDx.  I'll have to email/contact our IT guys tomorrow.  I think I'm just going to get going soon.  Pick up my chicken.

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