October 2017 15K, or get Matt267 PE banned, SPAM thread

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when someone asks me how I did on my exam:


Did you ever "do" architecture?  I graduated and practiced for 9 years prior to switching.  Not licensed tho. ( I don't have the right degree for that)
I'm like the opposite. I did an internship after freshman year in arch, then more in engineering the following summers. Worked under an arch / SE for four years which got me my idp hours. I've gotten my arch license and PE now.
But I work completely in structures. Have worked as in house for an arch firm that's the closest I've gotten to arch. 
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My Boss' boss (two sups up?) Has an Architecture (U of I before they added the true dual degree) degree but has always practiced structural engineering.  Has his SE and PE in several states, but can't get his PE in Iowa because his degree does not say engineering.
Yep that's the degree I have m. Arch in structures

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