October 2016 Spam-athon Thread

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I really hope everyone is having a good day at work. My biggest problem today is that I have beer in the fridge upstairs but haven't yet transferred it to fridge downstairs. I should think about doing that soon.
meanwhile, on his way back downstairs....


26 minutes ago, knight1fox3 said: I really hope everyone is having a good day at work. My biggest problem today is that I have beer in the fridge upstairs but haven't yet transferred it to fridge downstairs. I should think about doing that soon.
meanwhile, on his way back downstairs....
At least he didn't spill any beer.

Mornin' everyone! Short work week here, taking off Wednesday and Friday for a 5 day weekend. I'll probably be ready for work come Monday...

The weather's looking crappy this week. It sucks because the mrs. and I were going to do some hiking on Wednesday while the kids are at school.

It rained here in AZ, quite a bit actually. When the sun isn't out here it automatically reduces my productivity. Cloudy days and rain don't happen often after monsoon season.

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