October 2015 Spamfest

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Like Olive Garden breadsticks? Those things are da bomb.

you should have brought spam to dip in the wine.

I like a good Cabernet. My favorite so far is Louis Martini 2012, but it's expensive (for me). $30 at Walmart. (And, yes, Walmart has some good wines.)

NC allows beer and wine to be sold at grocery stores, convenience stores, etc. Hard liquor only at state controlled stores.

Not in RI. We can only buy alcohol at a liquor store.

On with in the last few years are they allowed to open on Sundays. But the have to close by 5 or 6

I like $10 boones farm. Do they even sell that anymore?

Our liquor stores are closed on Sunday, but beer and wine sales are allowed after noon on Sunday.

In texas you only get liquor till saturday. No alcohol, nothing on sunday.

NC sounds a lot like NH for beer and liquor.

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