Lets hope soon.Up to license 100793! They're adding a couple more!
Nope. I assume it has something to do with the holidays (I know a majority of people take off the last two weeks of the year and this week is really only the 'start' of people returning). The website does say 5-8 weeks for processing. If I don't have my license number by Valentine's Day, then I'll be a little concerned.Has anyone called them to determine why they have been only processing a couple a day while it was 40+ a few weeks ago?
Truth. Only poke the sleeping dragon if you have a really, really good reason, and be very contrite when doing so. Case in point: when they were issuing exam approval and I had submitted everything early (November) but hadn't received notification if I could sit (this was Feb 1st, and I think the closing registration for the exam was Feb 20?). I called and talked to a person and was like, "Maybe I missed it in the mail, but I was hoping someone could help, even if it means I can't sit the exam this round, I'd like to make sure my submittal package is complete for the next review round."One word of advice, do not bug the engineering license board for ny. I have a coworker that called them idiots a few weeks ago, and i doubt they will process his license by commity.
Agree they are pretty reasonable when you are nice to them.Truth. Only poke the sleeping dragon if you have a really, really good reason, and be very contrite when doing so. Case in point: when they were issuing exam approval and I had submitted everything early (November) but hadn't received notification if I could sit (this was Feb 1st, and I think the closing registration for the exam was Feb 20?). I called and talked to a person and was like, "Maybe I missed it in the mail, but I was hoping someone could help, even if it means I can't sit the exam this round, I'd like to make sure my submittal package is complete for the next review round."
Was told I'd prob not make the Feb deadling/it takes 6-weeks to review, but then they followed-up with an email stating what was missing (a single Form 4A), allowed me to submit the form via email, and then reviewed and gave the okay in 2-weeks.
It's all about not pushing the buttons for something not really important (if you passed, you passed, they can't take that away). They're issuing license numbers. I won't complain unless it's mid-March and I don't have my number by then.
Yup! They're still updating, slowly, with maybe 2-3 names a day. My name hasn't popped up yet, so I keep panicking and logging into NCEES to confirm that the green pass is still there.Are people still waiting?
*cries* I don't have mine yet, and the uploading has crazy slowed down (like 1-2 a day, skip a few days, and then 1 update). I keep checking NCEES and it's still green, so I have hope! I CLING TO THAT HOPE.It's time for my semi-annual NY License Watch Public Service Announcement: