Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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I've got to figure out macros/whatever.
Kind of depends on what you want to accomplish (duh, you know this, was just sayin' for discussion). I'm losing mah chonk rn so that's wayyy harder than, say, maintaining by "eating right." I wasn't like...fat, but was def heavy for my size and um...couldn't fit in old clothes that weren't even *that* old (say, 2-3 years?). Oops.

Aaaanywhoozle, first ten pounds were pretty easy, last couple pounds will be a slog. So, just tryna keep my eyes on the prize and be at racing weight/fitness (got some biking and running events lined up). That's the goal, not just objective weight. Tryna actually be semi-fast.
@squaretaper LIT AF PE I am chonk, but I'm not really being super good about eating healthy. I have been trying to make sure to do MFP every day for a while, so at least I'm tracking that?

Workout last night = tempo squats. 2 down, 2 hold, up. Didn't go too heavy with this, I think I maxed at 112lbs? Accessory round sucks because it was wall sit, step-ups, and plank, but without a ton of rest in between (I think it was :40/:20 split?). Conditioning = 5 rounds of reverse lunge (w/ medicine ball), ball slams, and burpees. 10 of each. I did one round of burpees and almost died, because of the up down, so I was able to modify to 20 mountain climbers. We had a new girl who looked super fit and I was surprised that...I was kinda doing better than her? I'm not being mean, I think I'm just used to being the 'lowest' person during the class, and to suddenly have someone below me is...weird.
and to suddenly have someone below me is...weird

On topic: Question, are folks masking at the gym? I have zero problem with wearing a mask (I'm a weirdo who does not get all rah-rah about wearing a mask, humans are gross so I have no problem with a barrier between me and, say, AWAH hahahaha) but I dunno about getting sweaty with a mask? Just curious what people do in the new era. @JayKay PE do you work with a trainer to figure out what workout to do and when? Or, how did you learn to do all this stuff. You know me, I just shuffle around like an idiot so weights are a new world.

Separate and only quasi-related: I will continue to mask up, not because I'm scared of the Rona, but because humans are gross general, and allergies are making mah face leak. Iono, wearing a mask all the time is pretty normal in some places so *shrugs in not-an-epidemiologist*.
Before I was vaccinated, I wore a mask at the gym. Most did not, but a few regulars did so religiously and I knew a few of them worked as first responders or essential employees, so I wore one out of a courtesy to the others there. With a paper/disposable mask, it wasn't too bad. I could breathe pretty well, but the nose area got pretty saturated after a while from forehead sweat. The fabric mask just didn't move enough air when I was huffing and puffing, but probably would have been fine with one of those plastic nose/mouth bridge things under it or one that kept its shape a bit better. This is a pretty small, warm, gym, so on occasion I made a break for the door just to grab some fresh air from outside between sets and a quick mask break.

On topic: Question, are folks masking at the gym? I have zero problem with wearing a mask (I'm a weirdo who does not get all rah-rah about wearing a mask, humans are gross so I have no problem with a barrier between me and, say, AWAH hahahaha) but I dunno about getting sweaty with a mask? Just curious what people do in the new era. @JayKay PE do you work with a trainer to figure out what workout to do and when? Or, how did you learn to do all this stuff. You know me, I just shuffle around like an idiot so weights are a new world.

Separate and only quasi-related: I will continue to mask up, not because I'm scared of the Rona, but because humans are gross general, and allergies are making mah face leak. Iono, wearing a mask all the time is pretty normal in some places so *shrugs in not-an-epidemiologist*.
Always on the bottom, never on top = the jaykay way of life. 🙃

Indiana hasn't required masks in gyms since they reopened. I know I tried to do it one workout with a fabric mask, but I literally almost died doing high volume strength. The gym I go to is a Oly gym, so already people are fairly spaced out. The HVAC was upgraded in the building, since it's an office building with occupants, and the actual ceilings are like 20FT. Also, there aren't a lot of new faces, it's mostly the same people training on the Oly side and in the fitness classes throughout the week. We maybe get one new person a month, but because classes are held once in the morning and once at night, there isn't a lot of coming and going. They're also super crazy about cleaning off equipment/hands being washed before and after working out, but that's something that was in place even before covid because gross.

As for the trainer...I'm part of a fitness class because I'd rather go more times per week, if possible, than once or twice a week, I need someone to tell me what to do, and I use gym as kinda socializing (though I'm sure some of the other people in class hate me because I almost continuously talk because I'm nervous around fitness). I did a lot of research because I wanted a class that was at least an hour long, smaller in size, and wasn't just crossfit in disguise. No offense to crossfit, but I know for a fact it wouldn't work for me due to not being able to run, super easily injured ankles, and needing to go slow/having a trainer realize I can't go past a certain point. I do feel like I am learning more, since the trainers like to explain why we're doing a certain combo or what it affects, so I'm hoping when I go traveling I can try and go to the gym and do a mini-workout.

Masking after the pandemic is more under control...Not going to lie, I haven't gotten any colds/the flu this winter and my allergies are way down. I might keep wearing a mask just for that benefit. I can't wait until our facility allows non-surgical masks. My fabric masks I got are super cute, but I feel like I never need them/use them because if I go shopping I do it all in one day, I don't usually wear a mask while walking outside, and I don't need it for the gym.
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I did a lot of research because I wanted a class that was at least an hour long, smaller in size, and wasn't just crossfit in disguise. No offense to crossfit, but I know for a fact it wouldn't work for me due to not being able to run, super easily injured ankles, and needing to go slow/having a trainer realize I can't go past a certain point.
I've actually been thinking for a while that your workout sounds extremely similar to some crossfit workouts.

On topic: Question, are folks masking at the gym? I have zero problem with wearing a mask (I'm a weirdo who does not get all rah-rah about wearing a mask, humans are gross so I have no problem with a barrier between me and, say, AWAH hahahaha) but I dunno about getting sweaty with a mask? Just curious what people do in the new era. @JayKay PE do you work with a trainer to figure out what workout to do and when? Or, how did you learn to do all this stuff. You know me, I just shuffle around like an idiot so weights are a new world.

Separate and only quasi-related: I will continue to mask up, not because I'm scared of the Rona, but because humans are gross general, and allergies are making mah face leak. Iono, wearing a mask all the time is pretty normal in some places so *shrugs in not-an-epidemiologist*.
I agree with you about the mask thing. I don't see what the big deal is. I would have no problem with the mask mandate being permanent.

The way my gym handles masks. You are required to wear a mask when moving around the gym, but not when working out. All of the equipment is 6 feet apart, with squares on the floor. So while working out within a square you can take your mask off. While moving around or switching equipment you have to put it back on.

The only thing that isn't 6 feet apart are the treadmills. And they put up plexiglass barricades between them so you can take your mask off.
I've actually been thinking for a while that your workout sounds extremely similar to some crossfit workouts.
The newest trainer who was hired who does the programming was from a crossfit gym. So I know she borrows heavily from crossfit, but I feel like there isn't that giant "YOU MUST DO THIS. ALL THE BURPEES" and that modifications are much more frequent and we rely more on weights.

Last nights class: bench press. I'm super bad at it, but I do want to get better. This was 7 rounds of 5. Did most of the rounds at 87lbs, but the last one I attempted/succeeded at 92lb, even though I was being rushed a bit because I had to partner with someone and we were running a little behind. Accessory round was a ton of band/shoulder work, 5 rounds with 15 each exercise. Lat pull downs (standing this time, versus the L-sit lat pull downs we did on Monday), tricep pulls, and face pulls. The back of my shoulders was killing me during this. Conditioning...was a mix of okay and horrible. 6 rounds total (so 3 rounds of each exercise, alternating) of: 14 DB snatch + 12 goblet squats and calories on row/bike/ski. Trainer said we should have some rest in between. When rowing/biking, I think I had around 30seconds of rest, but the snatch and squats killed me. Snatches weren't too bad, I went up to 25lbs and it was 7 per side, but the goblet squats I got to 10 each round and really struggled to get the last two. My legs were just dead from Monday/Tuesday both being kinda heavy leg days.

New girl came, was super excited to see me. She's the girlfriend of the trainer on Monday/Tuesday classes and she was kinda miffed at him making it a big deal of her being there on Tuesday and seemed much more relaxed with the Wednesday crew. She asked me if I was coming today (Thursday)...I said yes. So I guess I'm going to the gym tonight.
She asked me if I was coming today (Thursday)...I said yes. So I guess I'm going to the gym tonight.
Congratulations, you're the new house gym bunny.

Edit: Running stairs at lunch today. Found secret stairs at the decommissioned barracks/dorms near the AFB near me.

Edit with update: Stairs are hard work. Blergh.
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Congratulations, you're the new house gym bunny.

Edit: Running stairs at lunch today. Found secret stairs at the decommissioned barracks/dorms near the AFB near me.
Nope! Some of the athletes who are there are the real gym bunnies. I'm like the gym armadillo. Kinda there, kinda not. Trying my best and will roll into ball if scared.
The newest trainer who was hired who does the programming was from a crossfit gym. So I know she borrows heavily from crossfit, but I feel like there isn't that giant "YOU MUST DO THIS. ALL THE BURPEES" and that modifications are much more frequent and we rely more on weights.
Crossfit workouts are definitely high intensity, but modifications should be plentiful. All trainers, crossfit or not, must meet people where they are.
Crossfit workouts are definitely high intensity, but modifications should be plentiful. All trainers, crossfit or not, must meet people where they are.
Yeaaaaaaaaaah. A lot of the crossfit gyms I went to just didn't seem to accept it when I'd say "I cannot do this", like I was giving up, but it'd be because I was either at the end of my rope or I know I'd injure myself, and I didn't like the toxicity of people who seemed to almost relish being injured and pushing through it.

Last night workout = sumo deadlift @ 80%. 6 rounds of 4. Most of my rounds were at 185lbs, but last round I did 190lb. Had a lot of minor corrections from the trainer, like adjusting my hands, but I did the whole exercise with a normal grip, so I'm happy. Accessory was split squats (where it was one squat + a half = 1, kinda hard to explain) and renegade rows. Only did 20lb dumbbells on those. Conditioning was 15minutes of 20 wall ball, 15 inverted rows, 10 weighted walking lunges, followed by a minute of rest (until the last minute of the round, when you gave up rest and just kept going). I did my inverted rows using a barbell instead of the TRX and, not going to lie, I think the barbell inverted rows are waaaaaaay harder just because you can't adjust up like with the TRX. You just have to go do it. So. Yeah.

On to kinda gym related news: new girl who is the M/Tu trainer gf asked out a couple people to get drinks (she knew the trainer who taught Thursday and one of the other people in class). I figured why not go, be sociable, have a good time. Unfortunately, this led into the people who went out drinking becoming crazy accountability buddies (one of the guys who went goes like ever single day (I think he used to do sports in college) and the new girl started this up and everyone else got roped in)...So I am going to the gym on Friday. 5th day in a row. Is this hell? I feel like I might have stumbled into hell without knowing. I mean, I guess I'll be getting the most out of my unlimited pass? Maybe I'll get more fit?
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A lot of the crossfit gyms I went to just didn't seem to accept it when I'd say "I cannot do this", like I was giving up, but it'd be because I was either at the end of my rope or I know I'd injure myself, and I didn't like the toxicity of people who seemed to almost relish being injured and pushing through it.
But how else would everyone else around you know that you're crossfit EXTREEEEEEEME???

So I am going to the gym on Friday. 5th day in a row. Is this hell? I feel like I might have stumbled into hell without knowing. I mean, I guess I'll be getting the most out of my unlimited pass? Maybe I'll get more fit?
*binocular hands* Dang, I can see your gainz from 2,000 miles away!

On topic: I'm in the office today, that means lunch run! So guess who is joining @JayKay PE in a 5 day exercise sufferfest? Ughhhh...accountability buddy, sorta?
Crossfit workouts are definitely high intensity, but modifications should be plentiful. All trainers, crossfit or not, must meet people where they are.
Heck no. If you don't tear something, how will people know you're hard AF??

On topic: Woohoo! In a new decade. Five pounds to go until goal weight! Can't let the food control me!
Worked on back rehab Friday. Still pretty gimpy. Lots of stretching, cat/dog, front and side planks, and roman chair work. Also got in some machine rows for the upper back, and some angle bar overhead pressing @ 5x5x145 after the warmup sets just to gauge where I'm at. Shoulders are in pretty rough shape, especially the repaired one, but gotta start somewhere I guess. Still feels good to be back at the gym at least.
Forgot to update Friday workout. One of my favorite trainers was teaching (he took some time off since his wife had a baby and I missed his brash sarcasm). I found out the boys don't like him, since he doesn't over correct, but I like him because he was the first trainer I had at this gym, I imprinted, and he's super into women lifting the same as men and doesn't stop you from picking up the weights.

First half of class was bent over rows (10) and biceps curls (12) every two minutes for 4 rounds. Bent over row I think I went a little light, only hit 73lbs, but I knew the bicep curls were going to kill me. I grabbed the 25lbs, which I don't think I've done before, and the curls were haaaaaard to get done in the time period. The next exercise was 5 rounds (not timed) of lat pullover, incline alternating dumbell press, and then Russian twists. Lat pullover was done with the blue band except the last round I did the green band, yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, do the same as the boys! Incline press was done by leaning back on a medicine ball. I again stuck with the was super super tough but I'm happy I did it. Russian twists...I was using my dumbbell and then I realized everyone was using their medicine ball (which is 16lbs), and I used that on the last two rounds because my arms were really dying. Final exercise was 12 dumbbell clean/jerks + 1 lap sled + 14 squat jumps. Okay. I went in the app and saw this was supposed to be 5 rounds. Justin did it for 15 minutes, so I def think I did over 5 rounds. Dumbbell clean/jerks I did the 20lb...I was dying. My forearms/arms looked and felt super tight and hard (like FITNESS). Sled push...I often ended up with the guys sled due to how things timed out with everyone doing the exercise, which...I guess is okay. Squat jumps were def hard just because I was huffing and puffing from the other work.

Didn't do class over the weekend due to my gimp ankle giving me problems. It feels much better today, so I'm going to try and go to the gym this Monday to keep the streak going!

@Supe the roman chair terrifies me. I see some of the other athletes using it and I just...I feel like I'd get stuck and need someone to help me out.
So. Random aside (I'm just posting all up in this thread today). My LDL cholesterol has always been high/a bit of a concern. I am wondering if my continued use of whey protein might be a possible source of this? I have been consistently working out, seeing all my numbers go down, except for that one. I was checking nutritional info this morning, because I was bored, and I noticed that my protein powder gives me 25g of protein per scoop...but also 80mg of cholesterol (whaaaaaat?). I was thinking of maybe switching to a plant protein powder? They seem to have slightly less protein per scoop (20g) but the cholesterol is 0mg. Slightly more carbs for the protein powder, but I feel like it's pretty negligible (3g/2g sugar vs. 10g/6g sugar). Going to research this a little more...
There are a number of studies that show that whey protein, even with cholesterol and saturated fat, will have a beneficial or neutral affect on lowering cholesterol due to the other components that lower triglycerides. So if I had to guess, I would say it's probably coming from some combination of bad genetics and other dietary sources.

Also, most of the plant proteins taste like shit!
bad genetics and other dietary sources.
Bad genetics = for sure. My family has a super long history of high cholesterol and triglycerides. I try to reduce a lot of "cholesterol" bad items, like red meat, fried foods, etc., but I can't back away from full fat dairy. Like...I might start getting 2%, but I actually don't drink that much milk/I use ultra pasteurized milk because I literally can't drink a half gallon in less than a month. I mostly use un-sweetened macadamia milk for my daily drinking...I also like cheese and butter, which prob doesn't help things...but other than the dairy, I do try to eat healthy. Which I know probably paints me as not doing as much as I can, but there is so much conflicting into online. Full fat dairy is bad, except full fat yogurt is good.

I'm going to do more research on the protein powders. A lot of the stuff online is like 'they both have pros and cons, choose whichever works best' and I'm like 'no. tell me actual concrete studies/information for me to base my decision on'.

*Edit* After reading a bunch of stuff, I think I'm going to focus on trying to eat more protein food vs. protein powders. That seems like it would be more effective in the long run and it will force me to be more thoughtful with my meal prep. Plus, I feel like a cup of whole fat Greek yogurt is only a few grams less than my protein powder shake (something like 21g vs. 25g) and it keeps me full longer.
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Also, most of the plant proteins taste like shit!
100,000% agree!

I've been pretty happy with the Vega brand, so that's my main one these days. I use their "all-in-one" (with additional goodies) for breakfast and the "sport" one with more protein for post-workout.

Whey has too much cholesterol. Not against it as a protein source at all, I actually like that it's an easy-to-process protein (I have a smol tub for post workout when I sometimes want something creamy and/or if it's an intense session). And I'm not actively trying to restrict cholesterol but if I don't really need to eat it, then I don't. Iono, not a nutrition nerd and I don't need every meal/experience to be a billion percent optimized or anything, haha! Not training for Olympics ova hea. Just need to eat n move on with my day.

Edit: Jumping on @JayKay PE's point about food. I'm with you. Food is primary macro source and shakes n stuff are just for backup/convenience/"topping off". Also, it's expensive.

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