Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise: Notes, Goals, and Resources (these people just keep talking about crossfit)

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Update from last week: My 75% bench press is now bar + 40lbs = 73lbs. I remember when I started and I could do the bar + 5lbs and almost died.

It's almost like this exercise thing works. I'm aiming for a consistent 100lb bench for 2021, if possible. Not a crazy weight, but reasonable for me.
My legs are sore from riding the mountain bike yesterday around the yard chasing our son on his 4-wheeler. Together we'll go places!
Last night = strict press to max (5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1). I only hit I think 78lbs strict press, but that's a solid number for me since I haven't done strict press in forever.

Of course, all this arm work from Monday conditioning/Tuesday strength, culminated in my two most dreaded exercises (just because I'm super uncomfortable with the movements): Turkish getups and thrusters. Please kill me. I thought this would not be leg day. It turned into whole body pain day.
Went to gym on Monday. Class was 'full', but I went anyway (walked, so worse case scenario, I'd still get some exercise), and the instructor was like 'you're staying'. We did floor presses. I am super bad at them. My one rep max was 97lbs. I felt like crap. We then did a ton of pushups. It was horrible. Followed by crazy conditioning.

I hate fitness. But I have to do it or else.
Don't let the triglycerides make you die-glycerides! 💀⚱️
MY TRIGLYCERIDES LAST BLOOD WORK WERE VERY GOOD. It probably had to do with me actually remembering to fast... But those LDL...

Last night workout was back squat. I did my best, which was not impressive when everyone else is amazing. We also did a ton of wall balls and squats etc. My body is not happy today. I rest on Wednesdays. Huzzah!
Last night was back squat. We practiced failing, since we were attempting heavy 2 rep after doing reps of 4. I back squatted 171lbs. Only 10-15lbs more and I would be over my body weight. I feel like I could have done it if my j-hooks were one notch down. Super excited to bench my body weight! Our conditioning included a ton of dumbbell snatch, goblet squats, and jogging. I hate jogging. And they were talking about maybe doing a brewery jog and I'm like...nooooo. Then they mentioned couch to 5k and I'm like...if I'm barely being able to go to the gym three times a week, what makes you think I'll also do jogging/running as well?
Last night was back squat. We practiced failing, since we were attempting heavy 2 rep after doing reps of 4. I back squatted 171lbs. Only 10-15lbs more and I would be over my body weight. I feel like I could have done it if my j-hooks were one notch down. Super excited to bench my body weight! Our conditioning included a ton of dumbbell snatch, goblet squats, and jogging. I hate jogging. And they were talking about maybe doing a brewery jog and I'm like...nooooo. Then they mentioned couch to 5k and I'm like...if I'm barely being able to go to the gym three times a week, what makes you think I'll also do jogging/running as well?
Knowing how to fail safely is very important when people are lifting heavy.
Yep. The key is to scream "oh shit!" Then proceed to dump the bar on the spotter arms from the top, bending the bar.
@Supe when being spotted (usually for bench press), everyone in my class usually says "help" or "spot". I usually begin a mantra of 'oh shit, oh shit, fuck, fuck, fuck' as the bar slowly sinks down to my chest.

Also, update on bench press (since I saw at the top I said my 75% was 73lbs), that might be true! Was able to do a couple of max reps at 97lbs. Becoming an adult and trying to record what my weights are now.
People who run terrify me.

I went to the gym last night and then this morning. Possible becoming a normal habit? My abs hurt so much, though. Moving is difficult. Went four times this week, so it’s all going according to plan.

Thursday night was strict press. Got up to 73lbs with reps of 4 (6 sets). We then did AMRAP for 20 minutes the following: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, 20 sit-ups. I did pull-ups using a purple band, but I think I can go down to black? Like. I could actually do the pull-ups, which is confusing. The sit-ups were super painful due to previous ab work killing me. My push-ups were elevated/using a bar, which I feel forced me into proper position than if I did them on my knees. It was all horrible.

Workout this morning was box squats/front rack. I got up to 117lbs. So broke the 100-barrier! This was followed by a ton of banded pull-aparts and banded face pulls. Which killed my back because it was 4 sets of 30 each. So. Yeah. Then we did 27/21/15/9 squat thrusts, shoulder to overhead (I did these as strict presses since my legs were not happy, so I went lighter than usual), and calories. I’m never so happy than when I’m rowing.
@JayKay PE your ancestors would be proud!

Increasing mileage by 1 mile per week. Really, really, really trying to avoid getting hurt so doing the stretching I'm always bad at, warming up, cooling down, rehydrating, blah blah blah...
