Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
Gotta play for something otherwise people give up half way through and throw the odds for the rest. Seen that happen a ton of times. A couple bucks isn't going to hurt and will keep everyone honest. 
I set something up. I agree with K1F3 that it's less effort than tracking spreads and setting fantasy rosters and we are all busy.
* League Name:
* League Password:
League Abbreviation: EBcom
Home Page:
E-Mail Address:[email protected]
You might need to pm me with an email address for an invite.
I set the rules based on the pool I was in, left finances be for now.
We can discuss rules and $ once we get a group going, and lock it in before the first game.
Same issue ... PM sent with email address^^^ I tried that, but it says it's a private league and I need to be invited.