thanks JR, surpisingly, the support and good words actually mean alot.Major bummer ccollet I was hoping for better news for you.
Take some time off toand then hit the ground running for your date with destiny in October
Good luck !!
i've been thinkiong that it just seems like i wasted 1/2 year waiting for the results, but it hasn't really been that long and at least the next test isn't that far off. i'm sure in a week or so i'll be ready to attack my study materials with a vengance. And seeing how i passed the EIT on the 2nd attempt (last year) after dropping out of college 19 years ago, i'm really not in too bad of shape. I know that i will pass eventually, if not for job advancement, then at least for personal satisfaction.
Determined Look !!!
No Prisoners !!!
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