They usually update the structural standards right after the fall exam cycle. Don't know for sure though what (if any) codes will be updated this year.
Since they are planning on completely changing the format of the structural exams....a part of me wonders if they will keep all the standards the same until they update the exams.
What do you mean by completely changing the structural exam formats.
My guess is that they change the codes and standards when they think the structural design professionals have had adequate time (probably 1 to 2 yrs) to get familiar with them. OR another condition might be that when there are significant changes in the design codes and standards. For example, AISC 13th, ACI318-02 etc.My guess is that they would adopt a new standard once one is finally published.
Maybe the 2009 or 2010 IBC? I'm not sure when the next one will be out.
Traditionally, once an IBC is adopted all of the design standards are then used in accordance with it.
IE: Everything is chapter 35.
I hope the new AASHTO manual will be implimented. The only others could be the new ACI concrete and masonry manuals, but they've only been out for a year.^^ It could be either one.
No matter what, buying new ref's are a pain. :smileyballs: