never liked him anyways..

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I'm borderline atheistic. If you have a photo with God then by all means go ahead.

By the way, instead of proving me wrong, shouldn't you be trying to get at least ONE problem of ptato's right? :poking:
Damn Ram.

You didn't have to cut me back that deep.


Sad part about the Ashley Madison thing is that Josh Duggar's wife is probably being pressured by the family into being publicly supportive and not divorcing him. Between this and the molestation thing, poor woman is probably dying inside.

Sad part about the Ashley Madison thing is that Josh Duggar's wife is probably being pressured by the family into being publicly supportive and not divorcing him. Between this and the molestation thing, poor woman is probably dying inside.
Yes, I'm sure she is going through some major mental turmoil.

Sad part about the Ashley Madison thing is that Josh Duggar's wife is probably being pressured by the family into being publicly supportive and not divorcing him. Between this and the molestation thing, poor woman is probably dying inside.

+1. He worked for an organization that demonized divorce and porn...and now this. Pretty sure God's getting pretty sick of his sh!t, She's now got four kids with him and no idea how to function outside of Stepford Wife, UterusBot v2.0. The statement from his parents said, "Late last night..." which means even they didn't know about this one.

Off to work on some dude's construction site as rehab, I suppose.

Sad part about the Ashley Madison thing is that Josh Duggar's wife is probably being pressured by the family into being publicly supportive and not divorcing him. Between this and the molestation thing, poor woman is probably dying inside.
Yes, I'm sure she is going through some major mental turmoil.
Probably reinforces the point that YMZ is making regarding her being pressured.

These are people that waited to front hug for marriage, let alone kiss. They couldn't hold hands until they were engaged.

Maybe "experiment with toys" is code for "front hug someone."
